Reaction to Mayo Clinic Hit Piece

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@TheLionDiet made it to the Mayo Clinic. Not exactly in the way I wanted 😂 I don’t think it’ll age well for them given current research into ketogenic diets and health. Here’s a video discussing some of the things they got wrong. Hopefully at some point a research institution will actually do some research that isn’t just funded by big Pharma.

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They’re prescribing ozempic like it’s nothing but mad at me for eating meat lol


Carnivore is not a fad diet. Humans have been eating meat since we've been breathing air and drinking water (Dr. Berry). I've been carnivore for 11 months and love it! Easily sustainable, scurvy free, and bathroom time is effortless with zero fiber. Not bloated anymore, not achy anymore, reversed type 2 diabetes, and reversed high blood pressure. 54 years old and off all medications. Carnivore for life! Keep up the amazing work Mikhaila!


Mikhaila, I've been on mainly Lion diet now for 15 months. I had psoriasis all over my body. When I heard you and your dad's testimonies, it was like a revelation from God. I binned my Methotrexate prescription and immediately dived into the deep end and swam like crazy. Within 12 months I lost 25kg and my psoriasis is almost gone with a few spots remaining on my legs. While the toxins from incorrect eating have been flushing out of my body I had one gout and one kidney stone attack which were quickly resolved. I feel great now and thank God. Thank you also to you and your dad for speaking up about your experiences. Please keep the testimonies coming. People are being transformed by this revelation of how we should eat for optimal health. A very big well done to you.


Thank you for standing up to the medical establishment!


As a dietitian I agree with what you are saying Mickhaila! We need more studies!
But they are not going to get done unless there is an economic incentive. I dont know why the plant base ddiet has gotten so much attention from the scientific community but meat has been demonized.
It is very hard being a professional in a field so full of contradicting data and so much conflicts of interests behind our science.


Thank you very much for all the hard work you put into making your videos ❤really appreciated 😀


A dog would love vegetables if thats all your offering. Put meat beside it and they would choose that first every time. Same here. 😊


Perfect response to the Mayo. I thank you for your continued rally on behalf of all of the Carnivores and Lion diet followers! I am 77 years old and feel such genuine joy to hear your talk. Stay strong. Stay well. 😊 I am a new subscriber!


Mikhaila, if you’d ever like to have a conversation about your experience with two super curious and balanced grad-level nutritionists, we’d love to have you on our podcast, Influenced To Death. We have some serious questions about the Carnivore and Lion diets, but mainly we’ve been looking at biochemistry to try and understand more about the mechanisms of why so many people feel better when they eliminate plants. Ultimately, I’m so glad you feel better and have found something that works so well for you. ♥️


My husband and I have been carnivore a year ago this week. 61 & 81 years old. He has added a couple of things back in. I drink wine, but can tell I shouldn’t. I love this way of eating. ❤


Thank you for mentioning anti epileptics and their side effects. I'm been dealing with many of these terrible side effects since I was nine.


Every patient that gets cured is a customer lost.


I've done the foul and vegetable diet. It's been amazing to get me off of pharmaceutical drugs as well as a sense of overall mental and physical health. I can relate to this all meat diet. As a way of successfully managing one's own physical and mental health.


Please tell my Irish potato famine pioneer ancestors ALL about this all-meat “fad” diet.
I am feeling stronger and healthier on keto than I have in years, and I need to be healthy because I’m a single mum.
Thank you for everything you do, Mikhaila, love you and your family so dearly.


69 yr old reasonably healthy male here from Alberta Canada. As I’m on a pension, I can’t afford “meat”! That’s a reality for most people up here. We have no choice but to eat trash because that’s what’s affordable.


The original diet-heart hypothesis was generated by Ancel Keyes in his 6 country epidemiological study (which actually was 23+ countries but he cherry picked only 6 so as to conform to his hypothesis). Epidemiological studies are not a good source of "science" and only show correlation, not causation. However there was another epidemiological study done in 2016 that refuted that saturated fat caused CVD and showed no evidence of a correlation, "Food Consumption and the actual statistics of cardiovascular diseases: an epidemiological comparison of 42 European countries" Grasgruber, Pavel, et al. There was a scientific double blind randomized control trial from 1968-73 entitled the Minnesota Control Experiment which studied the saturated fat hypothesis. However, the data and results were never published. In 2016 Christopher E. Ramsden et al recovered and analyzed the data from one of the initial researchers that had been kept a basement, and this was published in the BMJ and contraindicated the sat fat diet-heart hypothesis, "Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (1968-73)". At the time of trying to figure out what caused CVD in the 1960s and 70s the sugar industry was well aware that they were the true culprits and paid off scientists to dismiss that theory, "Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease Research: a historical analysis of internal industry documents", Cristin Kearns, DDS et al. Another excellent research paper gives a historical account of the diet-heart hypothesis and asks "Dietary Saturated Fats and Health: are the US guidelines evidenced based?", Astrup, Arne et al. I am a physician who had to research and learn the proper diet myself. Medical school teaches nothing but the old paradigm. The truth is that beef has all the nutrients one needs. Plants have a ton of self-defense chemicals and anti-nutrients that cause harm. I have been on a carnivore diet for 11 months and my labs are stellar, I have lost 35 pounds and maintained it and have never felt better. If you want to know the true cause of of obesity, study the research of Richard J. Johnson and his work with fructose and uric acid. Fructose/Uric Acid is being linked to metabolic syndrome, DM2, mental disorders, CVD, Kidney disease, cancer and NASH. An example is "A causal role for uric acid in fructose-induced metabolic syndrome". As for this Mayo nutritionist - either she studied the classic theories that have been propagated since 1970 or she is a stooge for the food industry (just like a lot of the researchers at Harvard that are vegan and falsely promote that diet even though one cannot live on it without supplementation). The truth is out there...


The fact that TEDx wouldn't post it days everything I need to know.


I’m trying the healthy keto diet rn. It’s been 2 months and feel great!


They don't want people eating meat as they don't make 41% profit from advertising meat. Plus they cannot make 40% profit from meat, which means of course, the remaining 19% is what processed food actually costs. If it has a list of ingredients, leave it where it is.


I went 100% carnivore 6 months ago and it cut my food bill in half, maybe more. I buy grass fed beef and eggs from a local farmer and it fills u up where i only eat 3 times a day now vs before i would snack all day plus have 4 or 5 meals. This diet is cheaper and healthier than any other diet
