NTEB BIBLE RADIO: The End Times Great Falling Away Of The Christian Church

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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will explore the many prophecies in the King James Bible related to the end times falling away of the Christian Church. The Falling Away is not so much a falling into something, but a falling away from something that is very critical to the Body of Christ, and that is Bible doctrine. Charles Spurgeon once remarked that the "time will come when instead of pastors feeding the sheep, we will have clowns entertaining the goats". I believe we have gathered enough evidence to prove that to now be the case.
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THANK U--FOR THE TRUTH-Thank U for BEING BOLD as a LION__FOR CHRIST! Thank U--for Proclaiming THE TRUTH!! I Come to your channel everyday--to see if you Have More Truth to be Beheld!!!! We Need to HEAR--ALL YOU HAVE TO SPEAK. I PRAY FOR YOU, , TO KEEP GOING, in CHRIST STRENGTH!! GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER... YOU WILL HAVE CROWNS, , in HEAVEN..Keep up your LOVE for Our Redeemer..!!!


Thank U --Once again---FOR ALL YOUR MANY YEARS--OF A Good Workman, Rightly dividing the Truth!!! Thank U--as I Know I speak for many, who come to your channel---For You Great Knowledge & For Your Sharing Your Enlightment to Us. Selah... : )


Love the program! Very edifying and totally agree we are in the falling away brother! Can't wait to hear your take on Holy Spirit being on the earth after rapture.


Bro. Greider, Thank you for this message. I could tell it was hard to deliver it and it was hard to hear, yet every word the truth and many, including me, needed to hear it. I love you my brother for your boldness and taking a firm stand for Jesus and truth. I believe I remember seeing on the NTEB website a place to order gospel tracts, so I will do that. I look forward to seeing you in the Rapture...I look for it to happen anyday. God bless and keep you and your precious family until that day.


The "professing so-called church" (less The Lord Jesus Christ's faithful remnant of AVKJB believers) and the world as a whole has fallen away from The Truth, which is the The Word and word of Almighty God. This should not come as a surprise to any born again Bible believers during this Laodician church age, as it was/is prophesied by The Lord God Almighty through Paul, the apostle to the gentiles in 2 Thessalonians 2 and many other Holy scriptures.
God bless you my brother.

Please pray for my Mother. She's been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and has but a short time, then will go home to be with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Bro. Greider, Isn't Hobby Lobby still standing true? I hope so, I hadn't heard anything different.


News flash: The King James Bible is not inspired. It contains many errors. How you push the KJV is frighteningly similar to cultish. The KJV is based on the Masoretic text which is based in the Masorete Jews changing the Septuagint to obscure references to Christ being the Messiah, because they did not like the Christians using “their” Bible (which was the Septuagint).

I SERIOUSLY doubt God would inspire the KJ committee to create a translation based on the corrupted Masoretic text.
