OOP 3 | Principles - Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction

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Important video for OOP interviews! The complete and in-depth explanation with real-world examples of #OOP principles such as Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Abstraction.

A detailed explanation of overloading vs overriding, encapsulation vs abstraction vs data hiding, types of inheritance and more!

Take part in the learning in public initiative! Share your learnings on LinkedIn and Twitter with #DSAwithKunal & don't forget to tag us!

👉 Resources

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:15 Principles of OOP
0:02:26 Inheritance
0:11:30 Example: Box
0:17:49 Explaination
0:23:31 "private" keyword
0:36:26 "super" keyword
0:48:00 Single Inheritance
1:00:17 Multiple Inheritance
1:04:25 Hierarchial Inheritance
1:07:28 Hybrid Inheritance
1:10:26 Polymorphism
1:12:53 Example: Shapes
1:19:27 Types of Polymorphism
1:19:57 Static Polymorphism
1:20:34 Overloading
1:28:02 Dynamic Polymorphism
1:29:24 Overriding
1:34:08 How Overriding Works?
1:39:05 How Java determines which method to run?
1:45:17 "final" keyword
1:50:49 Can we override static methods?
1:57:02 Encapsulation
1:58:22 Abstraction
2:00:14 Encapsulation vs Abstraction
2:05:33 Example
2:09:33 Data Hiding
2:11:47 Outro

#placement #dsa #interviews
Рекомендации по теме

Your OOP series helped me a lot in my Adobe interview. I answered the Qs in the same way you have explained in the video. Abstraction vs encapsulation, compile time polymorphism vs run time polymorphism, and so many more that you cleared in this video.
And I got the intern offer from Adobe.
So thank you very much. I owe this to you.
Keep up the good work.


The way in which you answer questions and explain complexity away by hammering questions about the concept is insanely amazing. Thank you, please don't stop posting videos!


I'm not usually someone who comments down yt videos but this truly deserves one! The best part about this Java playlist is that it makes you enjoy learning Java, I've probably watched the oops playlist 2-3 times and I've only enjoyed it each time, revising concepts additionally! My love for Java, I definitely owe it to this playlist!


I have bought a very expensive paid course for DSA and Java. Let me tell you, the course I have bought is no way even closer to what Kunal is teaching in this bootcamp.
Can't thank him more. More power to Kunal. Please keep continuing the good work.


I have never watched videos of this much duration but after I started your course ...first I check how much duration it is and more duration it is the more I am happy...


"You can inherit but you cannot override,
You can run but you can't hide"
~Kunal kushwaha (2021)


Reached this video following all the above videos in the playlist, I am dragged to comment because of how amazing is the quality of these videos.

Hey everyone, I'm a six years experienced software engineer and have a good command of programming languages like Java and JavaScript, but I should most certainly say this every single video in this playlist has unique things to be learned. Kunal makes concepts, big jargon in programming language and of course interview-level leetcode questions very simple.

@Kunal, appreciate the efforts you put into this entire playlist, and the idea of free education to all is commendable. No other course can be this structured where Java, DSA are covered in such detail.

On behalf of everyone here, would be great if you find time to complete this playlist adding leftover topics like Dynamic Programming etc and making our lives simpler. Counting on this playlist for DSA preparation as a whole for my next switch.

Please note: commenting as a part of this video, but this is valid for all the videos in this playlist. Don't trust me, watch any Interview Question videos.

Thank you so much, very helpful and recommended for everyone. 🙂


When you said in the first few videos of this playlist, that this is the best and the only playlist that i need, i was like, i dont know why is this guy so overconfident about this..
But now, i just cant explain how true those words were...

Nobody is even close to this playlist, literally the best way of teaching, best explanation and all these things for free.
Hats off to you man


An hour of kunal's course a day, keeps unemployment away 🌚


The more my College professor teaches me OOP the more I value you, you are a God for putting this material publicly, otherwise you could make this course paid and ask as much as you want to. This course is the best thing that ever happened to me. Please keep making videos. I will meet you some day if I get lucky enough.


I was struggling with java and OOP previously.
Previous two videos really helped me a lot and now continuing with the third. Thank you❤🙏


You can run from OOP but can't hide 😂 Best playlist for OOP .Thank you for keeping this playlist free❤️


"You can run but you cannot hide,
you can inherit but you cannot override" 🔥


A message of appreciation from otherside of border. Keep teaching, keep shining and keep spreading love


Unparalleled!! This playlist is literally all we need.


You can run but you cannot hide,
You can inherit but you cannot Override.
Very deep.🎇


this might the first time i completely understood the 4 basic principles of OOPS. Great video


"you can run but you cannot hide, you can inherit but you cannot override" 🔥🔥🔥


The explanation of method overriding was phenomenal and the answer to the question why static methods cannot be overridden? This is because overriding is related to objects . Methods and variables when declared static have no relation with objects. So method overriding is not possible in static methods. Kudos to you and congratulations to us for receiving a great content.


I was totally confused when my teachers at college teach me abstraction and encapsulation, now my concept about this topics is totally cleared. Thankyou ❤❤
