Graph Theory for Data Science, Part II: Graph Algorithms: Traversing the Tree and Beyond | Julia

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Graph theory provides an effective way to study relationships between data points, and is applied to everything from deep learning models to social networks. This workshop is part II in a series of three workshops. Throughout the series we will progress from introductory explanations of what a graph is, through the most common algorithms performed on graphs, and end with an investigation of the attributes of large-scale graphs using real data.

And in particular for Part II:
Graph-based algorithms are essential for everything from tracking relationships in social networks to finding the shortest driving distance on Google Maps. In this workshop we will explore some of the most useful graph algorithms, from both the breadth-first and depth-first methods for searching graphs, to Kruskal’s algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph, to approximation methods for solving the traveling salesman problem. We will use hands-on examples in python to explore the computational complexity and accuracy of these algorithms, and discuss their broader applications.

This workshop was conducted by Stanford ICME PhD student, Julia Olivieri.

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