Angela Scanlon Talks To Us About Virtual Reality Home Makeover Show, ‘Your Home Made Perfect’

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We are joined by Irish presenter Angela Scanlon who talks to BUILD about the new home transformation show on BBC2 which uses virtual reality to give British couples up and down the country their dream home!

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Hi; thanks for showing the interview. I've been making VR simulations and Interactive architectural experiences for 12+years.I love the fact that TV finally caught on.


I saw this on Hulu and it grew on me so I kept watching because I really love these kind of shows and this one was well done, however I noticed there are no episodes with Black ppl at all and in the one episode with a mixed couple- white man, Black woman, I witnessed this woman Angela directing not so subtle and very obvious micro aggressions at the Black woman named Christina on the episode. I also noticed her and the female Architect always huge the couple when they arrive at their home and definitely avoided it with Christina and her mate. So it was very disheartening and disappointing and I no longer view the show as so great. I’d heard from my Black friends from the UK that the racism was still very present there, just hidden well so the racial liberalism they brag about is a front, and for some reason that episode made me feel like I had witnessed what she was saying. It confirmed it.
