AT Webinar with Schüco - New Perspectives on Healthcare Design

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AT Webinar in partnership with Schüco - New Perspectives on Healthcare Design - Meeting the needs of current and future generations.

Chair: Ruth Slavid
1. Sophie​ Crocker, Architect & Health Researcher, HKS on approaches to healthcare design and research you’ve been undertaking into design and adaptation of healthcare buildings.
2. Christopher Shaw, Founder, Medical Architecture on evidence based approach to healthcare buildings and how this informs a strategic approach and longer term horizons to investment and planning decisions.
3. Lianne Knotts, Director, Medical Architecture on the role of specialist accommodation and the importance of the design of hospital environments for wellbeing and recovery.
4. Charlotte Ruben, Partner, White Arkitekter on rethinking environments and the critical role of daylight, fresh air and landscape on patient experience and the digital revolution and what telemedicine and mobile healthcare units will ultimately look like and how they will work

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the inadequacies of our healthcare building stock. The government’s £3.7 billion hospital building plan offers a real opportunity for change. What are the opportunities for architects? And how do we design and adapt healthcare buildings to meet the needs of current and future generations?

Watch this AT webinar, in partnership with Schüco, as we explore the key issues:

Lessons from the pandemic: what have we learnt about the capacity of our healthcare building stock?
Rethinking typologies – what are the implications of drive-through services, remote working, telemedicine, mobile healthcare units and digital consultation for the future of healthcare design?
Holistic well-being and healthcare design – the critical role of daylight, fresh air and landscape
The role of modular construction in designing buildings that are flexible, cost effective and efficient
New products, materials and systems for healthcare buildings

Counting the cost: how can we use limited financial resources in the best way for society?

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