Proudhon: What is Property?

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An introduction to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's 1840 book, What is Property?

Pierre Joseph Proudhon was the first self-declared anarchist. He wrote What is Property in 1840. He was not a wide-ranging and difficult writer, he wasn’t a system builder, he was critical of utopianisms, and was fascinated with contradictions.

For Proudhon, The ideal society was a contractual one – where individuals are free to arrange their relationships under conditions of justice. But for justice to flourish, its laws had to be known to all.

Proudhon looks at the justifications for property - occupation and labor - and argues that they both really only justify possession.

Proudhon ultimately argues that all possession has a dual nature. A part that is ours by virtue of needing it for the flourishing of our own liberty, and a part that is society’s who have contributed to its value, and still has a right to it based on need. Another way of saying this might be that everything is only borrowed.

His theory of property can be summed up by his phrase:
‘‘The right to product is exclusive – jus in re ; ¬the right to means is common – jus ad rem’

Proudhon is one of the most important figures in the history of socialist and radical thought.

As George Woodcock writes he argues that ‘property is incompatible with justice, because in practice in represents the exclusion of the worker from his equal rights to enjoy the fruits of society.'

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“As man seeks justice in equality, so society seeks order in anarchy.”
― Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What Is Property?


This is something that indigenous communities have known for sooo long. Excellent video, glad to be a Patron


Would be interesting to see your coverage of Max Stirner/Egoism.


I remember i found your channel via your Baudrillard video and ever since you've been one of the best philosophy channels on YouTube for me. Thanks a lot for your content!


I really liked your video. I'm currently libertarian being pulled downward and to the left towards the quadrant inhabited by Proudhon, Tucker, Spooner, de Cleyre and even Kropotkin. 2020 was a strange year indeed, and has brought me almost full circle to where i was(or thought I was)nearly thirty years ago. Anarchism is one of the most misunderstood ideologies so thank you for the elucidation and the fun with the miniatures!


This writer was loved and visited Leo Tolstoy who shared many of his opinions on Anarchy and Christian values being one and the same and the only real solution to a Golden age of the Kingdom of heaven coming to Earth.


You have done a remarkable job of summarizing and communicating the ideas of a text that is remarkably in-depth and abstract. Very nice work!


Glad to see such a well made and in depth analysis for Proudhon and Mutualism.


2:31 can confirm, those pens are really really good to write with, would recommend.


You could make one video about Bakunin and his views on oppression


It's so funny hearing this, it's like someone is telling me what I've been saying for years. Never knew I had an actua...long dead soul mate.


Mate, been watching your videos for ages now, you're amazing at what you do, thank you!


All your videos are great but your videos incorporating anarchist theory & theorists are definitely my favourite. Have you thought about doing something on contemporary anarchist theory? Like In Defense of Looting by Osterweill, How Non-Violence Protects the State by Gelderloos, or perhaps something from Black and/or Indigenous anarchists.


This is why, when pressed, most neoclassical economists will move away from relying on notions of justice when defending private property relations under Capitalism, and instead base their ultimate defence on a Utilitarian rationalisation. They will often admit that, yes, Capitalism is ultimately based on unjust expropriation in the past, but it’s consequences are so preferable as to make this a desirable trade off in a Utilitarian calculus. I have also heard them try to naturalise the concept of private property by pointing to animals which mark and enforce a territory, claiming that this proves human nature is just fundamentally biased toward this particular arrangement. Both of these apologies are of course misguided, but, as we all know well, those with a vested interest will often try anything to stay in power.


"And when we wake up, burning times Square as we sing "put your hands in the air cuz property is robbery."
-pat the bunny, proudhon in Manhattan. Among my favorite folk punk tracks


Ancaps who try to claim Proudhon should watch this first


Extraordinary video one of my favorites so far


Really enjoyed this video format. Looking forward to more!


So, in other words.. what's mine is mine because I worked hard for it (labor) B.U.T. at the same time, you shouldn't deprive others of working to achieve that same property that gives them the right to live. Classical in viewpoint. I can respect that


This is becoming a very important subject.
