An open letter to Blizzard: please merge low populated WoW realms or enable free migration

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Balnazzar EU is an empty realm. It's impossible to get a decent player to play arena with, get into a raiding guild and experience proper PVE...
It's the same on horde and alliance side and Blizzard is doing nothing about it. In order to experience the game, we have to migrate our characters and pay for it...
Merging some low population realms or enabling free migration from low-pop realms would help the community a lot, but does Blizzard cares about WoW community?
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Yeppers. You can pre-order and play 3 days in advance. Helps with server loads. Oh, and you get some neat stuff if you pre-order the CE or the digital deluxe. I went with the CE.


Oddly enough, even with the cross-realm steps they've taken; it still *feels* just as empty.


I really Miss the old days, my server hellscream is also empty :(


it's been like this since firelands on the alliance side :)


i feel your pain bro i'm playing on bladefist EU atm and its totally dead :(


My opinion of blizzard has really gone down for allowing this issue to continue so long.

I've cancelled my subscription, most of my characters are on Burning Steppes and all the cities are pretty much empty, impossible to find guilds to do pvp with and AH is insane price and empty.

I don't pay for transfer because I can't pay but because i'm not willing to pay them what what I expect is a fully automated service.

I urge others to do the same and raise awareness of the issue.


I'll probably wait for a few weeks and see how the community feedback is. Than try a trial account or take a look at the game at my friends. Don't want to waste the money as I did with preordering Age of Conan (I know those two games can not be compared, but still :) )


Arenanet games really have yet to disappoint me, so I knew this game would be something special. Can't blame you for not wanting to waste money, but this is a game company that takes care of their community. I wouldn't worry too much about that. Then again, opinions are opinions I suppose. You shall wait and see :P


ofc, but why should they care about costumers when they can charge 20euro fee for a transfer


Many servers have become one sided, wich is weird and retarded.These are a few examples:
Neptulon:- 196.475 Alliance
- 71.742 Horde
Kor'gall:- 63.139 Alliance
- 200.684 Horde
Ravencrest:- 388.238 Alliance
- 27.756 Horde
An example of good server would be Wrathbringer : - 105.080 Alliance
- 106.813 Horde


my server isn't this bad, but I'm not paying to leave the server in the hopes to get onto a server that has people on it so that I can do stuff. Blizzards "fix" for these low pop servers was cross-realm zones, they will say it wasn't meant to be a fix, but we know that is what they were trying to do. I've played the game for over six years and I'm done with it now.


The technology is there. Realms have been merged in Asia. Cross-Realms servers does not deal with the real problem it is more targeted towards leveling. A more popular MMO than wow?


I canceled the sub 2 weeks ago and am now waiting for GW2, 28th of August, ain't it? ;)


In the next patch (5.4) they are going to merge realms... Check the patch notes ffs


Yeah they arn't a video gamers company anymore, sure every business has to make profit of course this is true.

You can see however the company has been taken over by people from the soulless corporate business world who will trash their reputation to milk cash out of it.


lol on alliance side it looks like that sice ending of woltk? dont be silly u have gold scammers and wind only on ur trade since 2 years or so


Yeah for fuck sake, i dont wanna pay 12 Euro a month, then ADDITIONAL 20 for a transfer, the low pop server isnt the players problems, its blizzards, they have to take care of their costumers, seems like they dont give a fuck about wow nowadays anyway


Canceled my sub, GW2 it is in August ;)


Think firstly what it would mean for them to merge realms. Do they have the technology available? Also, if they really truly didn't care so much, why would they go and develop cross-realm zones in MOP? You're the one who spends your money each month on the game so if you seriously don't like it anymore cancel your subscription and play something more popular because it's not going to change until MOP is released..


empty game you mean.

go private, stop paying this jerks.
