New John Deere Equipment Arrives One Year LATE

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AG1 by Athletic Greens is a comprehensive, nutrition drink engineered to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet and support your body’s nutritional needs across four pillars of health: Gut health, Immune support, Energy and Recovery! It’s packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, whole-food sourced ingredients and combines the perfect amount of micronutrients, absorption and taste to jumpstart your daily routine. AG1 is available in the US, Canada, UK and Europe.

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#Farm #Illinois #Fall #Harvest #FarmingSimulator22

Andy "aTrippyFarmer" Dole is a 6th generation farmer from Central Illinois. On this farm, Andy works alongside his father, Marty, his uncles, Chris and Jeff, and his sister, Katie, to grow corn and soybeans on some of the finest dirt in the world. Andy and his family are deeply rooted in the area, operating a large farm that traces it origins back into the 1800s. Although some tracts did not stand the test of time, Andy and his family still grow corn and soybeans on fields that have been in the family for longer than even the oldest members of the farm have been alive. We do, we have, and we always will take tremendous pride in calling this piece of paradise our home. Andy was a Bronze Tablet graduate of the University of Illinois in the field of Crop Sciences, following the same path as his father and late grandfather.

It would be misleading for Andy to claim that this life is one that came by chance; rather, as a member of two multi-generational farm families, it was simply in his blood. His passion for agriculture traces back to his early youth--some of his fondest, earliest memories being of days spent riding in the combine with his father and grandfather. Although his understanding of the lifestyle was much less complex in the beginning, the love he has for farming, and its industry has only appreciated through time. As this dream blossomed into adulthood, Andy now works relentlessly, and tirelessly, to chase his own dreams and to build a farming operation of his own alongside his family.

We, as a whole operation, are handymen, electricians, mechanics, landscapers, accountants, economists, caretakers, stewards, and, most importantly, farmers, and we take an incredible amount of pride in our work. There is no challenge too overwhelming, no situation too stressful, and no problem too difficult for us to take on, and we want to take you along with us. Welcome to our farm and welcome to our lives. You have the best seat in the house to watch the everyday chaos of farming unfold--we usually only get concerned when things aren't going wrong!

Follow Andy on Social Media for Live Updates:
Рекомендации по теме

You’re crazy for selling that 2 3/8 tubing for scrap! That stuff is worth it weight in gold right now. Gold! Structural used 2 3/8 is going for over 2 dollars a foot!


All the best and here's to a great recovery 👍 🙏


I'm an hour south of Austin. The Thursday before Christmas, it was 65 at noon, Friday morning it was 16. No ice thank goodness. I live in Texas for the mild winters!


I was surprised by you mentioning the Millenial Farmer. Did you guys meet at some point?
I also watch his videos, but yours are more explanatory and doing an excellent job explaining all the decision that have to be taken on a farm.
I will never forget our own discussions at breakfast about how the weather will turn out that day, and therefore what we'll do that day 🙂


Had one taken out on my face three weeks ago under my eye… I remember asking the doctor how big of a scab or scar is there going to be there… and he said… we take out whatever we have to… and I asked him again how big do you think it will be… and he looked at me again and said… we will take out what we have to take out…. and I was very lucky and we will leave it at that


Glad the surgery went well for you! Spring is getting closer!


You should see the other guy!😉 nice video Andy, I always have thought it’s so cool how you guys take such good care of your equipment and keep it inside. I see so many operations leaving nice equipment outside.


Andy!!! hey bud glad you got sorted with the nose and hope the family, and crew are all doing well, how big are Kate's kittens?, please send my hello and hope y'all keep on thriving, until next time stay safe, stay awesome out there 👋😊🙌


Andy glad you got that taken care of, health is the most important thing.


Had a field tiled the Thursday after new years was amazingly dry. No tracks at all, was wet next to some trees other than that guy had truck in 2wd doing the driving. Went in great shape, guy said was sure wierd seeing water not running in tile the next day, said we were the driest he had been lately. Said back home sullivain Indiana said I can't drive across a field! I filled some dirt in last Wednesday where they picked the plow out of the ground. Sure looks good now and rain settled the lines down


Good advice in getting your skin checked. Ive had many surgergies with melonma. I get checked every 3 months with a skin doctor. Better to hsve surgery now then to let the melonma travel to your blood stream. Get checked especially if you see some dark irregulor spots.


Glad you are alright Andy, take care and keep up the great work on the video's


Yeah we dodged a bullet with that storm, although the cold and wind stuck around for too long. (greetings from Champaign)


If you check they used to give you a break on worker’s compensation insurance for have auto tarps because a less chance of shoulder injury


Thanks for another great video quick question do you have a link or more information on the jump pack


Plasma cutter or gas engine metal saw. Rentals for the win. 18:17


Looks like all the moisture Mother Nature held back all summer seems to be dropping now in snow in a lot of places.


Hey Andy heal up fast!
You can get a decent full face shield from H. Freight for like 25 bucks. Just keep it with the saw and blades


Kind of fun to see equipment that I built online and being used


First, ALWAYS have a good story. Facts aren’t necessarily important, just have a good story. I do hope you heal quickly.
