OpenAI's Newest AI Humanoid Robot - Figure 02 - Just Stunned the Robotics World!

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Figure has unveiled its latest humanoid robot, Figure 02, backed by major tech players like OpenAI, Nvidia, and Microsoft, promising advanced capabilities like high torque ratings and a wide range of motion. The robot is designed to improve workplace productivity and safety, with potential use in industries like manufacturing, and is part of a growing competition in AI-powered robotics, including rivals like Tesla Optimus and Boston Dynamics. Additionally, Oxford Dynamics is developing a specialized robot called Strider, designed for hazardous environments, further showcasing the rapid advancements in AI and robotics technology.

#openai #robotics
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These robots are becoming more and more sci-fi than ever. What once took 10 years, is now accomplished in less than 1 year


It's misleading to say this is OpenAi's robot. They are just an early part investor.


Wow, this AI humanoid robot is amazing! The innovations in robotics are reaching new heights.


Why does it feel like I am watching a Dysion commercial when I watch that video? 🤣


I never hear about anyone discussing medical or personal assistant applications. I am partially disabled. To have a robot assist me would be an incredible addition to my life. Alas, people like myself will never be able to afford one of these. It would be wonderful to have physical assistance and an actual companion.


“We’ll never weaponize these robots. We’ll sell them to the military and let them weaponize the robots.”


Oh' great! They've created the Cylon from Batttlestar Galactica.


"SmythOS enabling no-code AI orchestration is revolutionary!"


C'mon all they have is a CGI video....


Did you use AI to generate the narration? "Torque" mispronounced as "tor-queue" and "GROOT" pronounced as "G-R-zero-zero-t"? It rhymes with "root". WTH?


Title: The Rise of AI-Powered Humanoid Robots in the Workplace

The integration of artificial intelligence and robotics into the workplace has been rapidly advancing, with the unveiling of Figure 02, a humanoid robot backed by major tech players such as OpenAI, Nvidia, and Microsoft. This robot promises advanced capabilities to enhance workplace productivity and safety, and is part of a growing competition in the field of AI-powered robotics. This essay will explore the significance of Figure 02 and its competitors in the context of the evolving landscape of AI and robotics technology.

Advanced Capabilities of Figure 02
Figure 02 boasts impressive features such as high torque ratings and a wide range of motion, setting it apart as a versatile and powerful humanoid robot. These capabilities enable Figure 02 to perform a variety of tasks in industries like manufacturing, where the demand for automation and efficiency is increasing. By leveraging AI technologies, Figure 02 can adapt to dynamic environments, collaborate with human workers, and handle complex tasks with precision and speed.

Competition in AI-Powered Robotics
The emergence of Figure 02 comes at a time when other companies are also developing advanced humanoid robots for various applications. Rivals such as Tesla Optimus and Boston Dynamics are pushing the boundaries of AI-powered robotics, showcasing innovations in mobility, dexterity, and intelligence. Each of these companies is vying for a competitive edge in the rapidly growing market for robotic solutions in industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare.

Oxford Dynamics and the Specialized Robot, Strider
In addition to mainstream humanoid robots like Figure 02, specialized solutions are being developed for specific use cases. Oxford Dynamics, for example, is working on a robot called Strider designed for hazardous environments. This specialized robot demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of AI-powered robotics, as it is tailored to address unique challenges in industries like construction, mining, and disaster response. The development of Strider highlights the diverse applications of AI and robotics technology in addressing real-world problems.

Implications for the Future of Work
The rise of AI-powered humanoid robots like Figure 02 and its competitors has significant implications for the future of work. These robots have the potential to enhance productivity, improve workplace safety, and create new opportunities for collaboration between humans and machines. As these technologies continue to advance, it is important for policymakers, industry leaders, and workers to consider the ethical and social implications of AI integration in the workplace.

The unveiling of Figure 02 and its competitors represents a milestone in the evolution of AI-powered humanoid robots in the workplace. These robots offer advanced capabilities, specialized solutions, and new possibilities for transforming industries and improving work environments. As technologies like Figure 02 continue to evolve, the future of work will be shaped by the integration of AI and robotics, leading to a new era of collaboration and innovation.


Thank you for the news about technology news and technology is going so fast


The acceleration rate for this stuff is unbelievable. We don't have 10 more years of anything left lol.


Why not give at least one of those robots weapons? I want to see a real life Hammer drone from Iron Man 2.


'never weaponise' not until times change and a new contract is offered.


"global labor shortages", is PC for people who will work for free, 24 hours a day, with no breaks and vacation.


Labour shortages? are we even breathing the same air or feeling the same sunlight.


just because i say that my product wont be weaponised, doesn't mean that the consumer wont.


You start asking yourself what Honda has been doing with their bot that was in development for decades and gets surpassed in 6 months by some other guys.


Hmm, i could vision humanoid acting independently or controlled. helping humans when in need like as if another kind of government. 🤔