Chapter 2: Public Finance: What is the Role of Government? | LFHSPBC

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Chapter Two: What Should a Federal Social Safety Net Look Like?

What functions do governments perform, and is there a healthy balance of government and the private sector in the economy? A commonly held view is that the government should provide a social safety net. However, the level of assistance should be balanced against the marginal tax rate imposed on recipients.

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Of course there is then the option of a Nationalist Capitalist system, as instead of but in relation to the Nationalist Socialist system that was proposed and attempted by the Anti-Communist Party of the 3rd Reich some might know of by a few names to include the one attributed to it as a founding member of the democratically elected head chancellor there of...., with issues related again to that point of term, Socialist / Socialism.

Along with the core issue of the Nazie Party that arrose that their party and movement was like Wukonda was an Ethno-Supremacist movement, as with much if most all of ANTIFA as Fascists and BLM as Social Terrorists do the same as with ISIS or other such groups; Personal Power at the cost of others and the goal being totality of control over others and their rights of self determination.

And yet if we look at the ideals of instead a Nationalist CAPITALIST system as we are basically invariably (and necessarily perhaps) heading for towards as seen as the basis in factuality, Not Communist, at the foundations of the "Federation" in Old StarTrek.., there is something to discuss.

Namely the idea of Centralized Power alongside Distribution of Authority per Accountable Technocracy in place of the corrupted Corpocratic Bureaucracy that we have in our current modern times that bends far too easily to Leftist Extremism that thrives under Voter-Fraud far too easily to exploit Tyranny by (real or not) "Majority, " where the Few Rule the Many by exploiting a many who are not the few that know and do as needs done or should need done; that in place of leadership by people that ACTUALLY KNOW how to do their job, we have "Diversity" hires based on politics of policy based on who can be the more easily controlled as vs who are the best at doing what is needed, with more programs to ensure Actual Equality of Opportunity with due incentives to include again nationalistic encouragement, to help further the glory of our peoples alongside the making of a profit.

So then in a Machinist Based Economy that is largely overseen if more so than "overrun" by again AI learning systems, Security, Observation, and as to be expected Manufacturing.... and if something akin to a '100% Income-Tax' or such were to be done, such that money as we often misunderstand it were to no longer be a thing in favor of a more stable currency system., how would we do it?

One such idea being the concept of Universal Allowances alongside Meritocracy based systems such all people are given a max based savings non-wealth per banking with a basis minimum per-week or so paid to banking allowance that per Capitalism, the INDIVIDUAL decides how best to use, with something better more morally correct (and accountable to the governed) than the Chinese Socialist Communist System to track Social Standings of Activeness such as proper diet, daily exercise averages, and Community Activeness, to allow effective means and paths for Political Disagreement and Social Derision such that Public Censorship again as per the 1st Amendment to be non allowable, but actually protected against also; that we can choose to Do More with Encouragement to Do More that we can gain access to being Paid More above the base minimum for just living as a registered non-illegal member of a given nation-state.

*with again that true wealth still as now measured less by cash but by what one owns that one can sell or trade for other goods and or services, With also again protections against damage, etc.

Currencies are to be expected an always to be seen and expected matter, with representations of wealth by the rights of Private Ownership; with again the need of having both Nationalist and Privatist Ownerships and Operations of Businesses per Consumerism, and in kind of Services such as Healthcare or Roadways that we are all a right to the having of as per systems that maximize access, distribution and required minimum quality of services rendered.

How that we might reach such systems, and outcomes.. is the question.
And how that in a culture or society that is to better value work as it had done so when things were better, when that Mostly 100% Employment is more Mechanized with AI + Human overseers, is something we will all need to look into further and more so as we go forwards and again replace "Progressivism" with actual and meaningful humanism aware progress that doesn't allow such discrimination per "Diversity & Exclusion" favoring Organic Diversity and Actual Inclusion that Adds To while Building Up our country and our nations.

Here to hoping we can reach these Pro-Moderate Conservative, Pro-Rationalist Objectivist Goals.
