The 64th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice

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The DPRK held an outdoor rally in the capital Pyongyang to mark 64 years since the end of the Korean War on Thursday. The DPRK may soon carry out another intercontinental ballistic missile test, according to reports. South Korea said the need to prevent the DPRK's nuclear and missile projects and to have dialogue has become more urgent than ever before. South Korea had earlier this month proposed military talks to the DPRK in the hopes of stopping all hostile acts near the military demarcation line (MDL).

The UN is currently discussing new sanctions against the DPRK. Would it be enough to bring the country to the negotiating table? We turn to our panel to find out: Zhao Tong, associate in Carnegie’s Nuclear Policy Program based at the Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy; Jonathan Pollack, senior fellow at the Center for East Asia Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution; Sung-Yoon Lee, a Kim Koo-Korea Foundation professor of Korean Studies at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

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