GET HIM BACK! How to Turn the Tables on Your Breakup | End Distance

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✔Did you know most men regret the breakup within 24 hours or less? Yet their pride keeps them from coming back.
✔My GET HIM BACK program tells you more.

❤ It's time to TURN IT AROUND.
He will be missing you soon enough if you give him the space he's asking for.

➽ IG: adrienne_everheart_femm
➽ LOVE TO YOU! Adrienne xoxox!
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In the past I thought I better do what a man wants or else he might leave me. I put up with things I didn't enjoy and guess what, he left me after all. I tried to get him back two months later, but it didn't work. As soon as I got over him and started seeing others and enjoying my life, he tried to get me back. Even years after I rejected him, he still said that he wanted me back. I believe 3 times by now. No, thanks, I deserve better... but it's flattering. Who doesn't love the feeling of someone you were running after suddenly is chasing you. An ex who dumped you and hurt you coming back and wanting you again? The moment I went on with my life and forgot him, he came to me. Apparently he never forgot about me even though I thought he did. His loss... ^^


When my marriage ended after twenty years, I have been listening whatever I find to get back on my feet. You are the best coach I come across here. Thank you very much Adrienne!


He was playing mind games with me, he likes to make me feel mad or cry. At the end he will say he was just joking. I dont think its healthy.


I’m going. To try this. He just stopped talking to me out of the blue it’s been 2 weeks today and I’m crushed. First Xmas and I have so much going on emotionally and I thought he would be here. I believe he will eventually contact me so until then I will get this. I know and believe it will work! Please let me know when you will do more one on one ty


The answer is no, the last few weeks, he hasn’t been the man with whom I want to spend my life.


I used my feminine energy to get him to open up & he said he’d try to communicate more she stay in touch more. He got sick and I didn’t know & then he didn’t say anything to me on Valentine’s Day. I started pursuing & Friday he told me he didn’t want to talk anymore! That we should go no contact! I freaked. I’ve been sick all weekend because he stonewalls me & the only thing helping me is YOUR videos. I don’t have really close girlfriends, your energy is so needed. Thank you so much for these videos. They help me get my energy adjusted almost immediately to start on the right path. I just need to withdraw my energy and get back to MY starting place. Healthy & Stable. He won’t come back.. he’s been trying to end this for a long time. Idk why he said he’d work things out if he didn’t want it.. he wasn’t really showing up at all. Idk why I’m so attached. I kept waiting on him and I’ve BEEN waiting for a long time. Idk why I can’t let go 😪


You are so empowering! I am so glad that I found you! I have shared your videos with a few of my friends. My girlfriend is going through this exact same thing right at this moment.... I told her don’t turn to me... Turn to Adrienne haha


Lovely to have found you. Got your 500 Ways to Speak to a Man, and it is so good. When I am further along, I'll definitely get the ABCs to get him back. My energy is finally shifting for good. You are wonderful Adrienne, and what you teach is so helpful and important to so many. You make this world a better place. Thanks so much!


How do you get a man OUT of your life? Please help!


What if I broke up and want him back? Its been only 3 days


What about if a guy isnt emotionally attatched?


Adrienne I follow your LOA tricks... it seems to work... he talks to me now everyday but according to his convenience... n it really hurts at times... I want him back.


Looking for the right tools for me! I emailed but didnt any answer. Thank you❤️


Like I was saying sorry for such a long comment but I purchased your lesson today lesson plan and I really want to get the book I just wait about a week to get the book but I'm hoping that the book turns out really good I have yet to log into the lessons the videos but I really like you and I really like things to talk about it as well as Helena Hart and Matt I've been watching a lot of people online on YouTube and I found that I really am vibing with what you are talking about and it makes a lot of sense and I need to get back to that feminine side that I have in me that I kind of lost for for a while and I also want to learn how to talk to him better because I don't want Point Wii U I used to I think I thought I used to but then when he decided he wanted to marry me about 10 years ago and it didn't happen after we had our daughter I felt like I wasn't keeping him you know tasting I guess so that's what I want out of this I just needed a little bit of help to get him back into my life in a good way he's starting to come around and I want him to fully come around and I don't want to have to chase him I'm not going to chase him I decided to let him go finally I did lose my mind for a while but I'm okay now and a I'm hoping that you can help me Adrienne! Thank you if you have any good positive advice for me please share I do watch a lot of your videos and I will get her book I might do the ABCs I'm not sure I have three kids you know so I got to pick and choose what I do first wisely but I do I do appreciate these videos so much I've learned a lot


hi adrienne, actually I'm here asking for your help in my case, I would be glad if you answer it fast before Saturday😂me and my boyfriend broke up four months and several days ago, actually I had to breakup becomes he simply didn't love me any more and I just left social medias with out saying goodbye for a week, he called me first day but then he didn't even call me or text me again, any way we are university classmates so I saw him again, now it's nearly a month that I see him in university, he looks at me, he follows me and wait for me but in the other hand he tries hard to seem funny and laughing loud when I'm there like "hey see me?I'm great!"but in other hand he writes romantic bios for me in social media and even he's know sick and try to catch my hard to text him, he got off in 23:23 or 17:17 yesterday and I got off in 20:20, 1:1
I looked him in the eyes several times but I was planning to make direct eye contact with him wen we get alone, is it a good idea?plz help me with him, I felt in love with him again !I really want him back.
with best wishes for you 💖💖💖💖💖💖


Do men throw around I love you too often


Wow! This really helped me. When I look back, all I had with him was the material environment (comfort, good lifestyle overall) but all the love and emotional elements were almost completely missing, i.e. devotion to each other; togetherness; support of one another; passion for each other; true love for each other.  These were missing.  I just wonder whether we could have had the second batch too.  I really do deserve much more than he gave me, because I really really gave.


How do I move on if we still live together. How do I get him to be back into my life


Omg exactly what happened to me wish I have seen this did not know how to handle him wanting to think about things, and feeling upset about me. Is this still reversible


Interesting video! Thank You for this, and the other ones are excellent too! 👍 Is your program good for the situation where the man who is ex but with very good chat connection (I mean, wrote about himself, sent pictures of his vacation with friends etc until 2 weeks ago, I had a feeling we are closer than before) and he started dating with another woman from his birthplace, and wrote me 4 days ago “so, I am fair, because of this I wrote this for you, It seems to be turning to more serios, because of this you have to know” and “I wanted write to you before also”? I was shocked, and my first reaction was, “so, it is good, I appreciate your respect and you, you are good, I am happy, our friendship can go to the future also, and I will with your every women around you warm” no answer, and the end of day I wrote: “so, I am angry, I think you are stupid because you did not continous our relationship” so he answerd “You were who refused me 15 years ago, it was the time” (He wanted me to be girlfriend before his marriage, during his marriage, and we were serious dating last year at the beginning divorce-method, but it was very difficult situation for him, and our relationship died without any conversation and started only chatting.) I answerd more confidently; “we did have not any argument, I was stupid, I respect everything. So, if somebody wants to go somewhere else I help him pack the luggage” At the and I showed my feelings and my boundary. But it was painful for me. He did not answerd.
I am sorry, it is difficult story and my English is not the best one...
Ger your ex back program is good for my situation also? Thank you.
