RECARO Avan Tutorial Video

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The correct installation of the infant carrier Avan is very important for the safe and comfortable transportation of your child.
In this tutorial video RECARO shows you how it's done:
00:09 Assembly
00:40 Adjusting to the body size
01:49 Installing the infant carrier in the vehicle with the vehicle seat belt
02:50 Installing the infant carrier in the vehicle with the Avan/Kio Base
03:25 Removing the child seat and the Avan/Kio Base from the vehicle
03:48 Travel System
40 - 83 cm
max. 15 months
max. 13 kg
- Modular system
- i-Size
- Air ventilation system
- Smart harness buckle
- Travel System
and many more!
In this tutorial video RECARO shows you how it's done:
00:09 Assembly
00:40 Adjusting to the body size
01:49 Installing the infant carrier in the vehicle with the vehicle seat belt
02:50 Installing the infant carrier in the vehicle with the Avan/Kio Base
03:25 Removing the child seat and the Avan/Kio Base from the vehicle
03:48 Travel System
40 - 83 cm
max. 15 months
max. 13 kg
- Modular system
- i-Size
- Air ventilation system
- Smart harness buckle
- Travel System
and many more!
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