Science Behind Homeopathy | How Homeopathy Works | Homeopathy Explained

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Homeopathic system of medicine is the second largest practiced system of medicine and has gained a universal popularity because of its scientificity, effectivity, and easier applicability.

But at the same time, it has been dragged as one of the most controversial systems of medicine due to various aspects like dilution, potentization etc. This is the reason why it is being questioned constantly for scientific proofs. Here and then we see allegations against Homeopathy, usually based upon evidence and modus operandi.

Below Documentary video - Science Behind Homeopathy by Dr. Saurav Arora, founder of Initiative to Promote Research in Homeopathy is an attempt to scientifically answer many queries like dilution, dynamization, mode of action, transfer of biological information, physicochemical properties, etc.

This is the most updated work purely based upon the peer-reviewed scientific publications dedicated to fundamental research in high dilution and homeopathy.

Please share this video with your family, friends, and colleagues and let everybody know that there is a scientific basis of every question related to Homeopathy.

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Thankfully I have an institutional access to these journals and can read the original research.

First off, I am a bit sceptical about the research by Bellare and Kane in 2010 (doi: 10.106/j.homp.2010.05.006). The ICP-AES was actually conducted by pre-concentrating the samples, thus in a way adding a bit of an artifact into the system. Your speedvac would have to be INCREDIBLY clean to avoid any contamination here as your vials need to be kept in the open (so your substance can be evaporated off). Additionally, the volume of homeopathic "medicine" evaporated was actually 2 litres. Two. Litres. Additionally, the acids used would have to be incredibly clean as well to ensure the lack of any dissolved metals. I also do not see any controls either in terms of a "blank processing vial" rather than simply injecting the blank solvent. So in terms of this research you are talking about the presence of incredibly minute amounts of metals obtained from concentration of two litres of homeopathic solutions in the ppb range that have actually been subjected to numerous interventions. I would also like to see trace analysis of the solutions to see whether any other impurities were detected as well (rather than just pure EtOH, I don't see a processing blank which has undergone the same interventions with acids etc), but unfortunately there has been rather selective presentation of the data here. What were the detected levels of other non-referenced metals in the solutions? Was zinc present in the Aurum met for example? Finally, the concentrations obtained are ALL over the place. If this were pharmaceutical grade medication, I would be highly surprised to see such a fluctuation. There also seems to be no correlation between amount detected and "potency" of the homeopathic solution.

I could go on, but I actually don't have time tonight so I thought I'd just start with the first paper and see what your response would be. I am sure I will probably get a bit of hate for this, but let's see how it goes. =)


All this citation of various studies might sound impressive. But how well-conducted and reliable were the studies, and have they been reliably replicated? It seems to me too, that there is a vast gulf between measurements of dielectric and electrical resistance effects in succussed water which once contained a 'remedy', and evidence of clinical efficacy in treating any health condition in any patient. Further, this talk of measuring electrical effects in water rather ignores the fact that a bottle of homeopathic 'pills' is prepared by dripping one drop of the serially diluted 'remedy' (in water or alcohol) on to the sugar pills in the bottle. Tell us any science that can measure a difference between a bottle of Nat Mur 30C and a bottle of Rhus Tox 30C, with the labels removed.


I don't get how these nanoparticles supposedly formed (each of them containing about 1500 atoms according to the wikipedia) "survive" in number if they're going through 30 steps of dilution. The odd's of existing of only one single of these nanoparticles at the end would still be too little, unless they for some reason always happen to stay in the dilution step after step. How is that going to happen? By the way, i thought homeopathy's efficience was atributed to the water's memory. I surely don't get it.


Thank you for producing this. I appreciate the effort that went into making it. I'd like to make a couple constructive comments. The presentation is meant to inform both homeopaths and skeptics. It feels geared toward physicists and chemists, yet most legitimate skeptics are medical doctors. They would require a somewhat different approach. Also, the disembodied computerized voice does not resonate on the same level that a real human voice does. It lacks the emotional component, which people respond to on a deeper level.


there are so many questions left out for sake of telling convenient truth. How the dilution deposited on to lingual or nasal mucosa is absorbed by the system, which specific immune system cells/ entities are activated or suppressed by the specific dilution and why the same dilution fails miserably to work the same proposed magic in a randomised clinical trial.


Resumo muito criativo mostrando o que existe de mais atual em Homeopatia !!! Excelente !!!


Very well done presentation of the up to date research!


Excellent work Dr. Saurav, thank you. I will share.


*I'd like to see RIchard Dawkins expose/debunk this research.* I don't think he could, other than attacking the credentials of the ones researching Homeopathy and therefore everything they say or practice is false/fraudulent.


It's not just dilution. The succussion is crucial for breaking down the particles of the original substance into nanoparticles. If you simply dilute without succussion, that is what skeptics refer to when they say there is only one molecule for water the size of earth. In that way, it does seem ludicrous. But what if they told you that ball of water the size of earth was full of nanoparticles and that one sip or even one sniff would have a measurable effect on the body?


So awesome. Great idea to pull together the brilliant research done. Thank you. Good on you!


Excellent documentary ! Congrats ! i will share it


So the silica is created from... the nothingness itself! Bahahahahaha. Laugh is the best medicine, therefore, homeopathy is the best medicine; now I get it. Didn't expect more from people who doesn't even know what's the size of an atom or the implications of a dilution.


very well done data and proof, congratulations and keep it up.
