Borderlands 3 | The BEST Eridium Farm! 11,000 Eridium an Hour (NO DLC REQUIRED)

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The best and FASTEST Eridium farm in Borderlands 3 that doesn't require you to fight a single enemy. Set your game to Mayhem 10 or 11 to Maximize the Eridium drops as well.

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For console, you can switch from mayhem 11 to 10 repeatedly to refresh the eridium without having to save quit, it's like 5× faster


As several people have pointed out in the comments: Use a COMMANDER STONE artifact to get even more. Also if you have a shield with Action Skill start elemental damage and a shield with a different element, you can pop your action skill before busting them to get even more. I've also heard that holding the Guardian Angel shotgun (Vault Card reward from DLC 6, the Director's Cut) will further increase the rewards as well.


1 of 2 spots that I know of to farm for Eridium that have 8-9 piles. Fast travel to Ascension a slight ways forward to a cave on the right side of the map with a few skags to kill first. Before you go in the small cave there is a pile just outside that is not always visible but it will always be there. It can be hit 5 times in a row, and to finish enter the cave to the right and grab an additional 3 piles. The more you know. 👍


Also! If you have a shield that gives your dmg another element (for example re-volter), you can get even more as each different element you hit an eridium pile with, you get more. So if you have a radiation stone artifact and a re-volter with ASS trigger any effects that happen on shield break or fill, you can cast your action skill and get even more eridium. This may be tricky with moze as you don't have an action skill that you can cast easily, but it can be done on FL4K (rakk action skill), Amara (Phasecast and slam) and Zane (MNTIS cannon, DLC 5 is required).

Also, bonus tip. You can get the most on amara if you proc illuminated fist. Illuminated fist gives your melee attacks elemental dmg, based on the one that you have equipped. So, if you have a re-volter which is active, radiation stone, and illuminated fist with another element, you will get even more! IMPORTANT!!! MAKE SURE NOT TO HAVE STACKING ELEMENTAL DMG. FOR EXAMPLE, IF YOU HAVE A SHOCK STONE AND RE-VOLTER YOU WILL NOT GET MORE.


This saved me so much frustration. It's pretty annoying to get something like a Super Shredifier, notice it's got a terrible anointment, go to reroll it and run out of eridium just getting bad rolls. This'll make it a lot easier to deal with. Only real inconvenience now is how little patience I have for tedium lol.


you will get even more iridium if you use a stone commander planetoid (one that isnt RAD, or SHOCK if using revolter) use a URAD annoint and get below 50% heatlh and mayhem swap to keep health. I was getting around around 20, 000 per hour.

Bonus iridium is linked to the amount of different types of damage the melee hit deals (kinetic, fire, shock, cryo, rad, corosivve), the more you stack the better


If you have Static Field enabled on Zane's SNTNL it will point out all kinds of invisible Eridium throughout the game, it sends a shock bolt to them. When I figured that out I was surprised how much Eridium is invisible!


Ive been doing this for a year and finally the community knows about it now too.
Im always on Mayham 10 and reset the Modifiers to reload the eridium.


hi K6, I honestly think the best eridium farm for console gamers is the slaughter shaft round 5, the reason I say this is that there is for some reason an around 75% for Titan(final boss) to spawn twice therefore 2 times 500. The most optimal way to do this is to go on mayhem 1-3, have lootsplosion on and it will take around 4 minutes on average to complete the round and tp back to start to refresh. This is 1040 eridium every 4 minutes on average. Per an hour, around 15 600 eridium. This is a higher estimate as sometimes titan does not spawn twice and you can get less eridium from lootsplosion. ( added bonus is that you can get vault xp easily and you can get 500 eridium from those chests)


Appreciate this guide.

Once I got in the rhythm, and started just "knowing" where the locations were for all the Eridium piles (hidden or not). I was crusin. However, I found I was only getting around 75 - 85 per cycle (regardless of Mayhem 10 or 11). Which would net out to around 5, 500 per hour (was taking me about 50 secs each cycle)

Note that switching between 10 and 11 mayhem does seem quicker. When I was "good" I probably shaved 5 - 10 secs

EDIT: Ran more tests, was seeing numbers per cycle dropping to 60 at one point. My newest calculations, would put it around. So adjusting some numbers i am getting anywhere from 4, 800 an hour (45 sec a cycle, at 60 a cycle), to 7, 200 an hour (40 sec a cycle, at 85 a cycle).

Averaged out to 6, 000 an hour


What timing! I literally just sat down and realized I needed eridium and opened YouTube and here this was withing the hour. You rock K6!!! Pun not intended


You can also do this in Ascension Bluff, the first pile of eridium you punch will have 4 more spawn on top of it. So just punch until you get no more and go again!


If ur one an Xbox or have a friend who’s willing to afk u can have both accounts or people on and double the gains only thing is u have to wait an extra 5 seconds for each run and instead of leaving just switch between mayhem 10 then to 11 each time


I saw you go here on stream once and have been using it ever since. Great tips and tricks! Thanks, K6!


If farming for re roll, just farm to around 3000 then use all your eridium and if you don't get the anoint you want just dashboard/close the game and you'll have your eridium back


Use a elemental Stone Commander Planetoid. This makes it even faster. Also rad damage when below half health weapon in your hand.


For Amara players that run the Spiritual Driver, unequip it to safely use Phasecast without dying to the selfinflicted DOT. And as a PS5 player with performance mode active, swapping Mayhem levels is faster still.

And make sure to watch something or listen to music while doing the farm, it does get tedious and boring without something to keep yourself entertained/distracted.

Thanks K-Six for the video, helped me with finaly having a consistent Eridium farming source.


For old Gen players, this is the better farm than slaughter shaft.

On my PS4, I get about 261 eridium about every 90 seconds. This includes the time it takes to swap mayhem levels

In slaughter shaft, it takes me about 4 or 5 minutes( idk the exact time cuz I’m too lazy to rerun it at the moment) to get 500 eridium, not including fast traveling back and restarting round 5.

Doing this farm, you’d gain over 500 eridium in 3 minutes vs the 4 minutes it takes to gain 509 eridum in slaughter shaft

Edit: Then according to Reddit, you can get about 300 eridium each run if you have the right gear and character


It's like you knew I spent the evening farming eridium 😂 Great tip, I knew about that spot but I didn't know about all the invisible rocks


I wish Eridium had a few more uses like paying 5k to use the Dimond armoury or paying some amount to skip the collecting steps of the Seasonal events.
