Our Top Warlock Spells in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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0:00 - Sponsor
0:43 - Intro
1:30 - Eldritch Blast
5:09 - 1st Level
8:45 - 2nd Level
11:21 - 3rd level
16:57 - 4th Level
19:00 - 5th Level
21:17 - 6th Level
23:25 - 7th Level
24:06 - 8th Level
25:02 - 9th Level
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Cast it at weddings, funerals, beach parties or just randomly at the shop because your party is taking 5 hours to buy a dagger and you're bored.


I nominate Shadow of Moil for honorable mention for 4th level spell slots. It causes you to be "heavily obscured to others." Meaning that you can see out of it, but no one can see into it. It's essentially like Darkness + Devil's Sight, but without requiring you to take an invocation to make it work. It also gives you resistance to necrotic and deals retaliatory necrotic damage to enemies that hit you with melee attacks. It's great for ranged characters as a quick escape (enemies can't do opportunity attacks on you if they can't see you) and it's great for melee characters because it gives you extra survivability and deals damage to people who hit you at melee. It also gives you advantage on all of your attacks (because enemies can't see you). Honestly, this spell is INCREDIBLE in my books.


Loved the Eldritch Blast bit at the beginning, I think the cherry on top would've been if you showed the pieces of paper to the camera and they just had Eldritch Blast in big bold letters on all of them lol


One 5th level spell that is similar to Scrying is Dream:
Since Warlocks get their spells back on a short rest, knowing a single enemy that had been pestering you is effectively a death sentence. Cast Dream, choose a nightmare option and boom - you can sleep and your target can't (or rather does but can't benefit from it). Which eventually leads the target to suffer from exhaustion, and can be repeated over and over, for days or even weeks. And due to unlimited range, all the Warlock needs is to not leave a clue about who they are, and eventually, through a combination of Intel gathering and persistence, the target will reach exhaustion 6 and die in its sleep!
Used this concept in a game once to kill a BBEG's lieutenant, the DM was "tilted but impressed"


I didn't realize 3rd Level was that powerful when upcast


Gate is an interesting pick that you can take to summon your patron to the prime material plane.


Loving the Eldritch Blast Bit at the beginning, really lightened my day.


If you have a fly speed and you're above an enemy, pulling enemies towards you with Grasp of Hadar will lift them 10 ft up and they fall prone.


Foresight was the 9th level I went with for my Warlock. It lasts a very long time without concentration, and helps eldritch blasts hit more which means more hex damage. In my case, I played a Celestial Patron Pact of the Blade, so this meant more Spirit Shroud damage, which was able to be buffed to 2d8 from the upcast.


You left out two of my favorites - Darkness & Shadow of Moil. If you look at all of the spells in D&D, a huge portion of them require you to see your enemy. If you're using Darkness, you can't be seen by enemies that rely on Dark Vision. If you're using Shadow of Moil, you can't be seen by enemies that rely on dark vision or true sight. And as an added bonus, if you're fighting in dim light against enemies without dark vision, your allies can stand in the aura of Shadow of Moil and be unseen by the enemies.

Not being seen is so useful. It gives you advantage on your attacks. It gives your enemies disadvantage on their attacks. It prevents enemies from getting opportunity attacks on you. And best of all, it protects you from a huge portion of the enemy's spellbook when facing casters.


I wish they added Summon Celestial for the Celestial Warlock. Summoning a fiend when your patron is an angel seems weird.


For the spot on 9th level I always get divided by Foresight and True Polymorph. Granted that foresight needs "prep time" it packs so much power and for so long that it can really change the tide


The warlock in my party makes great use of combining Awakened Mind and Suggestion. He's made a hill giant enemy just walk home.


One of my favorite spell combos for warlocks is what I call the Eldritch Gatling Gun. You combine Eldritch Blast with either summon aberration (beholder) or eventually summon fiend (devil), allowing you to make 4 ranged attacks at level 7 and 6 attacks at level 11. If you want to go even further, take crown of stars as your 7th level for an extra 4d12 ranged attack for an average of 105 points of damage per turn.


I love putting out a Sickening Radiance and then using Repelling Eldritch Blast to push enemies back into the area.


Summon Aberration is my favorite! My Death Slaad Bob loves to come out and rip the faces off of my enemies, and his regenerating HP and ability to inhibit HP regeneration on his targets brings immense value to an extra damage dealer / summon tank. I really enjoy the versatility of being able to summon a Star Spawn Emissary or Beholderkin based off of the needs of an individual encounter. It's like getting 3 different summoning spells in one!


I wish the invocations effected more then just Eldritch Blast. Like Sword Burst also has the push effect. That would just be so cool.


I think everyone should keep in mind (and im taking this from Treantmonkm), warlock is completely a circumstantial spellcaster. I think it's smart to load up on 3-4 of your favorites for combat, but you're much better off picking the spells that are more situational as nice-to-haves. Because you only get 2 spell slots per short rest, you wont be casting most of your spells either way, so load up on some of those wacky spells.


This was easily my favorite opener you've ever done. More like this please! 😁


I've been playing a warlock for over 2 years now in a continual campaign, and picking spells has always been the thing that I've spent the most time in research on, so you dudes' take on it is very valuable to me
