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Hey everyone, it's your friend Thinknoodles, and welcome to my YouTube channel! If you like Mr. Beast, join me, my dog Kloï and other friends on our adventures in gaming. Here, you can find all kinds of family-friendly gaming videos and shorts. I play lots of different games from Roblox DOORS, to Poppy Playtime, PROJECT: PLAYTIME and Granny. I also play mobile games, indie games and more!


#fnafsecuritybreach #fnafruin #thinknoodles
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I like how Mark, Dan, and Think completely ignore Gregory telling them that the entity alerts the animatronics to their location regardless of being jump scared or not.😂


The fact that think makes 10m people smile everyday is amazing


It’s so heartwarming how an animatronic has feeling. When Sun said “Thank you”, I felt bad. 🥹


39:49 When cassie is saying "NO way this is real" think says "NO" at the same cassie does


Nice video!, A few tips to keep in mind are: Using the cameras strategically with intercom will play a huge part in this game. The game is also completely based around patience and skill.

P.S. On 2:17 it took you 7 seconds to realize ur playing.


Thinknoodles, thank you for being part of my childhood. I've been watching for 7 years and I still watch you now.

Edit: I'm 16 and I still enjoy his videos lol.


also a fun fact for those who haven't watched MatPat's last theory, the one who is talking thru the other Roxie Talky or whatever, is an AI program made most likely by Henry, and the AI has observed and learned from Gregory since he's been in the Pizzaplex, so that's why on the one 'bad ending' Gregory says that something had tricked Cassie and he left her in the Pizzaplex to die


yo i think Cassie is supposed to be Cassidy, the one in Golden Freddy, as Crying Child, now Gregory, was also possessing Golden Freddy


I've really enjoyed the DLC so far and can't wait to watch u finish it


Yes finally think noodles is playing the ruin dlc


The entire FNAF lore summarized into a YouTube comment;

Somewhere in Hurricane, Utah, two friends named Henry Emily and William Afton start brainstorming ideas.

In 1978, the first ever restaurant Henry Emily and William Afton created together, which they dubbed “Fredbear’s Family Diner.” Things actually go good for the establishment until 1980, when outside the building, Afton murders a child named “Charlotte” while she’s hiding outside because fredbear scares her.
Despite lawyers best attempts, no possible lawsuits could be further expanded on and deemed the case closed.

The in-between of these events are the creation of the spring lock suits- which are wearable animatronics, basically.

(FNAF 4 events now occur.)

Everything seemed dormant until 1983, which is, well, the bite of 83. Where Michael, the older brother of the Afton family, and his 3 others friends, stuff the crying child (or, if you may, CC, ) into fredbears jaw. CC’s tears then cause fredbears jaw springlocks to malfunction and clamp down back into his dormant mode, which results in CC’s entire skull being crushed in and his frontal lobe brutally ripped and mauled before being completely bitten off by fredbears jaw.

This results in fredbear’s being shutdown.
(BTW, the nightmare animatronics are actually just fr nightmares that CC has in a coma, and eventually, encounters nightmare, which is the embodiment of death coming for CC as his life slowly dwindles from his body.)

In 1985, the next establishment Henry Emily and William Afton make, is dubbed “Fredbear and Friends Family Diner.”

(Whilst this establishment is running, the events of Sister Location occurs and is shutdown in 1986.)

This is where the FNAF 2 withered animatronics are introduced; but this is before they are withered. Thankfully, nothing bad goes wrong in this time period.

Using the main fours parts, the “toy” animatronics are created, with more advanced features and more intelligence such as being able to roam around the building.

Eventually, the animatronics are replaced due to “smell” complaints. After this, the “Juniors” location is opened up, which completely scrubs Fredbear and Springbonnie from the establishment and only shows the main four now with some additional animatronics. The animatronics are now designed to be a lot more kid friendly, and look more like fuzzy, plushie like animatronics that are seemingly made out of plastic.

One of the animatronics, deemed, “The Mangle” was originally a more feminine and girl appealing version of Foxy, or, if you will, Toy Foxy, before being ripped apart by the children due to the animatronic being designed to be a “project for kids” where they can readjust and form the animatronic in ways they’d like. Of course, this doesn’t end well, and the mangle is scrapped into the back area of Kid’s Cove and lays dormant for now.

Eventually, during the day, the nightguard, Jeremy Fitzgerald, which, was on his last day of his remaining week, and actually right before he was going to quit, gets bitten by The Mangle. This, is the bite of 87. And, you guessed it! the restaurant is closed down due to this.

Afton believes that the reason why this happened, was most likely because of the “facial recognition system” Henry forced William to put in the animatronics so they could detect criminals and alert staff if they spotted a criminal.

After this, William has had enough of it, and threatens Henry, that he will take everything from him, just like how he took everything he had because of his stupid recognition system.

And he prevails through with his threats- and kills Henry’s daughter, Charlie.

After Henry Emily gets sent to a mental hospital due to his deteriorating mental stability, William Afton starts working alone and opens the brand new, “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza.”

Only the main four are here now.

During this time, just like Henry, Afton grows unstable in his mentality and kills 5 children whom which he hides in the animatronic suits to make sure there is no evidence of their bodies or any trace of their murder behind.

As I’ve said, there was 5 children, but only 4 suits; so, William puts a specific girl, named “Cassidy” into the golden freddy suit. Keep this girl in mind, as she plays a key part in the future parts.

The restaurant goes until Henry is released from his mental rehabilitation facility, and Henry confronts William about his new establishment.

Eventually, the restaurant closes due to apparently “info not currently released to the public.” Or, aka, William destroying the animatronics by hand.
But, that’s not all. The ghosts of the children who possessed the animatronics, come out of the destroyed suits and chase William to a backroom area-

He runs around, being chased by the “Cassidy” soul before putting on the nearby Springlock Bonnie suit. Which, doesn’t end well, due to, William laughing maniacally, spitting out saliva whilst doing so- the humidity and leaking celling of the roof coming down on the suit- and William heavily breathing due to previously running around. Therefore, the endo skeleton locks back into place as if the animatronic were now in animatronic mode; and crushes William inside it.

The animatronic William possesses, Springbonnie, eventually becomes “Springtrap” 30 years after the events of FNAF 1; aka, placed in 2023 now, the current year for us. Eventually, Michael Afton, who was put in jail after killing CC, gets out of jail and goes to the fnaf 3 location before lighting the entire place on fire, and freeing the souls trapped in the building, along with supposedly killing Afton too.

But, Golden Freddy, or, Cassidy, keeps Afton alive, and torments him in the deepest, darkest pits of hell; practically making an entire different dimension just to torment Afton. Death was not a suitable punishment for him. He needed to suffer like they did. This, is UCN.

After this, William somehow retreats into a virus- and infects a VR game about the events of the Fazbears establishment, where Glitchtrap comes in. Eventually, this leads to security breach with the whole virus stuff, controlling the animatronics to try and attack Gregory. Monty also attacks Glamrock Bonnie before this and takes his spot as the lead guitarist in the band. (Whom you can actually find, broken and hurt in an secret area that can be unlocked.)

Somewhere in there, FNAF AR is made. (There is no physical way to connect this to the main storyline, so for now it’s just a side game for lore.)

And there you go, that’s the entire FNAF lore. Bye. Also, the same goes for Pizza Simulator. Just wait for future games to connect the dots here


“Nothing like a good vent system in a horror game👌” gets scared and falls out* me:😂what???


I love how you added the daycare theme


Just seeing the intro and I’m already exited.


It’s so fun how think dose anything for his fans.

He definitely deserves 100m subs


ThinkNoodles the reason for deactivating the wet floor signs is to get to GlamRock Bonnie Behind a Sign in The Bowling Alley.


“Hey it’s your friend thinknoodles” never gets old


Thinknoodles has raised us and now we must repay him!20 mil subscribers is our new goal


You absolutely deserve 11m ❤ let's get you there!


Hello Thinknoodles, I hope you’re having a nice day!
