China calls on N. Korea to halt tests and S. Korea, U.S. to halt military drills

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중국 왕이 외교부장 "북한은 미사일 발사 중단.. 한미는 연합훈련 중단해야"
China has called on North Korea to halt its missile launches and nuclear tests and for the U.S. and South Korea to stop their ongoing military drills... in a bid to ease tensions in the region.
Speaking on the sidelines of China's annual parliamentary meeting, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Washington and Pyongyang are like "two accelerating trains, coming toward each other with neither side willing to give way."
Wang said the first step would be for Seoul and Washington to halt their drills, which North Korea calls a rehearsal for an invasion.
The Chinese diplomat also said the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system THAAD to South Korea... is the biggest obstacle in South Korea-China relations.
While emphasizing the importance of its diplomatic ties with Seoul, Wang said THAAD infringes on Beijing's strategic security interest and further jeopardizes security on the Korean peninsula.

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Absolutely no ground of asking stopping. 1) China backed North Korea had invaded S. Korea and the war is not ended but just stopped. 2) N. Korea developed Nuclear bombs and missiles and no intention of the removal any time soon even with the UN Sanctions. 3) China still violates UN Security Resolution by supporting N. Korea behind in various ways. 4) N. Korea has attacked the South many times including sinking S. Korean ships and artillery shelling. 5) China has no expressed the concern for decades for the exercises and knows that they are NOT for attacking N. Korea. 6) China-Russia joint exercise was held over the region recently. So, no need to stop exercise and rather should expand the exercise. Absolutely no ground to saying this.
