Seher'in Yaman'a mektubu | Emanet 491. Bölüm

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It’s been 3 months since Seher’s death. Aziz gets blamed for Seher's death, who is actually the victim of a nefarious trap. Topal, who is the real instigator for the murder, takes over the family empire with his brother's blood in his hands, while he does his best to have Yaman imprisoned, but he cannot reach his goal. In the past three months, Yaman is acquitted of the crime even though he was taken into custody for killing Aziz.

After Seher's death, Yusuf shut himself to the outside world. On the one hand, Yaman mourns his dead wife, on the other hand, he wants to make his dear nephew laugh again. But the solutions Yaman found are proven useless. Yaman tries many ways to get his nephew back to the way he was before. One day, a stranger comes to the mansion. How will this stranger who suddenly entered their lives affect the lives of Yaman and Yusuf? Will Yusuf, who closed his heart to the whole world, smile again?

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Carta de Seher a Yaman-- Llegan a la mansion y Nana le pregunta a Yaman si no se va a bajar. Él se va. Yusuf recibe a Nana y dice que se extrañaron. Que si mejoró en el campamento. Nana dice que si. Yusuf mi tío te ayudó. Nana dice que si. Yusuf a donde fue mi tío. Nana tiene algo con lo que lidiar. Nana vamos cuéntame todo lo que hiciste.
Nedim molesto sigue llamando a Yaman, y dice ya abra tomado su lugar, ni siquiera contesta y necesito saber que pasa entre ellos.
Yaman va a ver a Veli, has recorrido un largo camino y debes estar cansado, es bueno tomar un té amistoso, llevas un peso en tu espalda, preguntas y respuestas en tus ojos. Yaman, nadie puede estar conmigo, será duro en esta vida, porque hice una promesa. Veli, la creación del ser humano se debe de preservar, no debes esperar, no quieres dejar ir, echa un vistazo a tu alrededor, nada cambia si Dios no lo permite, sabes todos somos invitados en este mundo, (y vierte el té sobre la azúcar), lo que queremos que se acabe, se va cuando nosotros queremos, (y se derrite la azúcar), todo destino es una prueba, acepta la presencia en su ausencia, porque todos somos de Dios, su palabra está en tu corazón, reservado en el corazón, pero te devorará por dentro, usted acéptalo, hijo. Yaman, algunas palabras desafían el tiempo, incluso la vida, hice una promesa, tal vez se haya ido, pero mi palabra es Baki, para siempre. Veli, está bien, eres un hombre fiel a tu promesa, pero que diría ella, si pudiera hablar, ella quisiera que su amado fuera feliz, que no sufra. Yaman, ya tomé una decisión, desde ayer no existe la palabra felicidad en mi vida. No sucederá. Yaman recibe una llamada, saliendo. Nedim, necesito de inmediato que firmes un documento, urgentemente, Cenger me dijo que estabas en un campamento. Yaman, lo manejaremos en la mansión, de acuerdo. Nedim molesto.
Yaman en la oficina de la mansión, con los anillos, recuerda las palabras de Veli "pero que diría ella, si pudiera hablar, ella quisiera que su amado fuera feliz, que no sufra" Yaman, la promesa es un juramento y empuña los anillos.
Yusuf le dice a Cenger, que escogerá algunos juguetes para dárselo a los niños. Cenger, has pensado bien, otro niño lo puede necesitar. Yusuf encuentra una carta de Seher para Yaman, en los juguetes y comienza a leer: "así que algún día conocerás a alguien, si es la persona adecuada para ti, la entenderás porqué es diferente a las demás, no intentes cerrar las puertas, después de mí, no te resistas, no escape" Nedim le quita la carta a Yusuf, y Yusuf dice es para mi tío y dice algo bonito. Nedim le dice que eso es un poema de poeta que a él le gusta mucho, yo también estaba buscando esto. Nedim sale al patio con la carta de Seher para Yaman. Yusuf y Nana hablan de seguir jugando, se abrazan y se ríen felices, Yaman está mirándolos. Nedim está leyendo la carta: " no escape, escapar es tejer paredes, sepa que si lo haces, estarás construyendo un muro entre tú y yo, porqué tu felicidad le dará paz a mi corazón, y le dará paz a mi alma." Mientras, Nana y Yaman se miran. Nedim continúa leyendo: "el día sigue. Si un día todavía no estás seguro de que ella es la persona adecuada, mírala a los ojos, " Nana lo saluda sonriendo. Nedim sigue leyendo "y la verás preguntándose por ti, preocupada por ti, para que estes bien; mírala como te estas escuchando. Míra la felicidad que brilla en los ojos de Yusuf. Tienes que entender que tú la encontraste y ella te encontró a ti. Pase lo que pase no te rindas con ella" Yaman dice hice una promesa y no la puedo romper. Nedim en el patio sigue leyendo, sé que me hiciste una promesa y estás de pie obstinadamente detrás de esa promesa, pero no lo hagas, porqué el que ama, hace feliz al que ama, no quiero que sufras, quiero que seas feliz, no te quedes en la oscuridad, encuentra la luz y no te rindas con ella, si te resistes, yo nunca podré alcanzar la paz en donde dormiré, no intentes detener el destino, el amor y la vida. Sigue adelante porqué la Estrella del Norte solo se ilumina con la luz de aquellos que están enamorados" (los amantes)... Nedim: Yaman nunca debe enterarse de esta carta, nunca podrás leer la carta de Seher, Nunca; y va 🔥 quemar la carta...😔


Veli Amca hats off to you when you told Yaman that the people who had loved us would always want us to be happy and not to be in pain!! 😍😍😍👏👏👏


Yaman has become so mean that he took the letter of Seher to Yaman from Yusuf and went to the garden and read the letter and then decided to burn it with the help of the lighter!!
Nedhim, we understand that you didn't want Yaman to read Seher's letter in which she has written, if anything wrong happens to either of them, the other will continue to carry on with their life and be happy! Nedhim, you have become so selfish that you forgot that Yaman was your best friend more than your Boss!! 😭😭😭


I think it's funny Uncle Vai gives advice on moving on, when he himself stopped in time, when his wife and son died, now Yaman is obliged to move on and form another family!🙄🤨


Yaman's mind was so confused that after dropping Nana in the mansion, went to Veli Amca's place to seek his valuable advice for all his problems! 😀😀😀


Nedim, how could you. I really don't like you anymore 😞


Y yo me pregunto cuando se va acabar esta serie ya esta pesada


Nedim: Yaman nunca debe leer esta carta de Seher, nunca!
Estúpido Nedim, me duele decirle esto 😢😢 me gustaba mucho si personaje


Couldn't let go of the promise you made to yourself to go after your brother's killer, a promise that we only heard about with what 10 episodes left in Season 2 before Sila left, even when Seher begged you to and it got her killed...but you can let go of the promise you made to her over and over again. Yeah you're not Yaman anymore


No entiendo el arguende por sentirse enamorado, y Nana como que ni se da por enterada, hasta ahora lo trata con mucha naturalidad.


Si, Yaman Siente Culpa & Yusuf Leyó Un Poco De La Carta, Estoy Segura Que Yusuf Será Quien Junte A Nana Con Yaban


When Veli amca said evlat I can't remember Arif baba, my favourite character in this dizi 🥺


Yaman you should think before you go. After you have slept next to her in a small tent and having a romantic date. Suddenly you realize all the promises you made to your wife after having affair. Don’t try to act like a faithful husband to your wife. Now you can’t turn back the nanny will not give you no mercy after you did all those nonsense with her.


Good thing you had Nedim read the letter this time and not the other wild voice Yaman heard in the forest. Since Yusuf, Nana and Veli failed to convince Yaman to move on, who else could, of course Sheher, the only one who could convince him, so for the last time Nazmie asks for Sheher's help, to release him Yaman from his debauchery to get the ratings up, so if you get any points you know who you owe it to. It doesn't matter when Yaman reads it and if, it matters where the viewers read it. Anyway it doesn't matter to any of the viewers who don't watch 3s because this lost man Yaman didn't appreciate what he had, it's not his love that kept him but his excessive ego that he can't break the oath which gave Why can you be violent to people who are weaker than you to insult and defile others to violate the law, there is no problem, you are within the framework of the legality defined by the morality of the screenwriter, but if you betray your oath there is an issue, you must he solves, the one you gave him, even if he is not alive, it will be done with voices that come from memories, and letters that the prudent Seher had left in a box of toys so as not to burden them even with her absence. It would be worth it if he did it for the reason he gave this oath, his infinite love for Seher. Season 3 Yaman is shallow and inadequate, pitiful, hypocritical, unrepentant egotist and a brute of his passions, with no remorse for the destruction he caused, if I combine all three seasons this is the character definition of the role, if I ignore season 3 and stay in the first 2, I can sketch another profile, a dark selfish and vindictive man who does not admit his mistakes, violent, but his love and passion made him a better person, they brought him out of his darkness, he dreamed of a better life, he almost touched it, but he was betrayed by his character, his selfishness and the fate that did not want to give him the opportunity to realize his dreams.


you almost made her a murderer you didn't let her go you said if you leave without you, I'm already done I WOULDN'T SAY YOU'RE DONE, YOU POOR


Yaman debe dejar de pensar en la muerta, eso ya se acabó debe vivir la vida con la hermosa Nana y no hacer caso a las estupideces del pasado 😊


La carta de la difunta Seher ojalá Yaman la hubiera leído, así dejaría la culpa, y dejaría de estar enojado por vivir y por lo que va Nedim se encargó de destruirla 😔.... ojalá Yusuf recuerde lo qué leyó 😉


Nedim definitivamente foi para o lado negro da força ☹️


Nedim burned Seher 's letter IN Which i think she asked Yaman if he will find happiness he should be happy, we can only guess, ad no subtitles


Tanto rrollo para casar A Nana con Yaman que sigo diciendo que la serie se acabo cuando Seher murio muy mal mal se suponia que era un cuento de adas que siempre estuvieran juntos Seher y Yaman que vivierran felices y comieran perdices como en todos los cuentos🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙈🥰🥰🥰
