Coverage guided fuzz testing released in GitLab 13.3!
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GitLab is releasing coverage-guided fuzz testing as part of 13.3! Principal PM Sam Kerr walks through what it is and how you can use it in GitLab.
Additional information about our fuzz testing:
Additional information about our fuzz testing:
Coverage guided fuzz testing released in GitLab 13.3!
High-level workflow of coverage guided fuzz testing
Adding coverage guided fuzz testing to a project
Coverage Guided Fuzzing Demo
Finding Bugs with Coverage Guided Fuzz Testing (DevSecOps)
Coverage-guided Fuzzing - Advanced Security Testing (HD)
Full speed Fuzzing: Reducing Fuzzing Overhead through Coverage-guided Tracing
Going Beyond Coverage-Guided Fuzzing with Structured Fuzzing
Finding Heartbleed bug with libFuzzer and integrating it to GitLab coverage guided fuzzing feature.
Lightning Talk: Securing Envoy: Catching Vulnerabilities With Continuous Fuzz Testing - Teju Nareddy
DEF CON 27 - How To Improve Coverage-Guided Fuzzing and Find New 0days in Tough Targets
Khaled Yakdan: Coverage-Guided Fuzzing for Web Applications @FuzzCon Europe - WebSecurity Edition
GitLab 13 6 Release Kickoff - Fuzz Testing
Fuzzing in Go by Valentin Deleplace
[DevFest Nantes 2022] Fuzz Testing Made Easy
Secure: Fuzz Testing Update - GitLab acquires Peach Tech & Fuzzit
Going Beyond Coverage-Guided Fuzzing with Structured Fuzzing
Fuzz Testing - Continuous Fuzzing - Technical Planning
Effective File Format Fuzzing – Thoughts, Techniques and Results
Embedded Toolbox: Fuzz Testing Bugs in Safety-Critical Embedded Software
Fuzzing 101:Testing Tools
Fuzz Testing Automotive Software With Dependencies
GitLab 13.3 Kickoff - Secure:Fuzz Testing
2022 - Introduction to modern fuzzing