FAIL-PROOF Launch? 5 Strategies to Launch Your Product or Business

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So you're starting a new product or business. Great! Now how do we launch our new product or business online so that people will see it, interact with it, and hopefully become our customers sooner than later? That's what we're going to talk about in this video, so make sure you watch all the way through for the 5 strategies and tactics you can use right now to set yourself up for success.

Launching a business and having a plan is SO important. Why spend all that time researching and creating an amazing solution, only to let yourself down when it's time to get people to find it. Using these strategies, you're going to be more likely

0:56 - Crowdsource a launch.

3:02 - Utilize a contest to incentivize a bigger push at the launch.

5:38 - Use "Passive Strategies" to build buzz.

7:27 - Take people behind the scenes with your product to get them to become a part of the process, seed the product in their minds, and help to support it when it comes out.

9:15 - Build a Street Team to really kick it into high gear the day you launch

And remember:

Your earnings are a byproduct of how well you serve your audience.

Go serve them well.


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New and updated: "Podcast Marketing in 2020 (Top 5 Podcasting Tips that Get More Downloads and Subscribers)"

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#QOTD (Question of the Day): What's your next launch about, and tell me 1 strategy you learned that you're going to use to make sure you get more eyeballs on it? Let me know in the comments below. Keep rocking it SPI!


I love how fast you talk Pat - and how you get right to the point - so many youtubes and podcasts drag and I click out of them simply because I don't have time to wait for the key points to come out


This is all gold! You added a new subscriber today. Thanks for your content, it's awesome.


Hi Pat! I have followed you, Chalene, and Nicole Walters, for a long time-and more than anything, it’s because I know that all of you truly care about helping other people. My husband is a sign painter/artist, and for a long time, people we know personally have been asking for him to sell T-shirts and printables, etc with his artwork. The trouble is, most of his followers on social media are other sign painter/artist friends who don’t necessarily want to buy anything. Looking forward to doing a number of things you mentioned in this video to get people involved in the process and help us decide what to make for them. Thank you so much for all you do! It really does make a difference and I appreciate you so much! 😎💗


I am launching a course for Interior Designers to find the right clients.Ive started by promoting my free course to build an email list(lead magnet)
Bought loads of courses myself and learnt that the launch is very important.Thanks for your wise words, caught you on teachable as well!


I am working on my first e-book, Pat. This video was extremely helpful, even dough, I have done lots of research, read books, talked with people at the forum and FB group...It just shows you how much you can learn in a 6 minute-video vs need to spend days and sometimes weeks on the other methods I mentioned earlier


I'm building an online apparel store centered around positivity and good vibes because lets face it, we sure can use a little more positivity and love these days with everything going on and what better way to share the message when you're out in public. Starting off with just hoodies that have very cool and unique designs printed all over using a sublimation technique.

My strategy is to build brand awareness through social media and Facebook ad targeting. My running Facebook ads for specific products, my hope is to "Set digital traps" for personalization throughout the site. Additionally, I have an email marketing capture system set in place on my store for 1. Cart Abandonment and 2. Building my email list (obv.).

Thanks to you Pat, I followed your email list building video series and set everything up using ConvertKit. I just launched the store 2 days ago so I'm currently studying my facebook ads to make sure I'm optimizing everything correctly. Super excited for this adventure.


I am launching a healthy eat bar in my local city and releasing my new project that your influence has sparked called fitrepreneur which I am looking to launch the first course in November after following all your advice on these videos. Cant thank you enough. you truly have dug me out of a whole for my personal band and injected life into my ideas. Cheers Pat


Hi Pat. I'm launching a book, soon.Really like the tips and value.I have decided to only follow your sage and sound advice among the internet gurus.Your sincerity is what speaks to me as you go about the business.Will eventually blog about the experience.Cheers Gavin


A classmate and I are launching Smart Dental Student; a podcast/website for pre-dental, dental students, residents, and practicing dentists. Thank you for your mentorship, Pat!


Quality video, excellent content. You'll be to 250K in no time :) The first resource was new to me, and I'm very excited about trying it in my next launch :)


I'm launching a book on healing from the loss of a baby and finding your happy again. I love the idea of a launch team and I think there would be lots of women in my community willing to help. Thanks for these great ideas 👍🏻


Love you Pat 💚 This is exactly what I needed for my multiple launches coming up. Podcast and Online Course. That Thunderclap tho! I’m going to reach out to my YouTube famous buds that I bring on my podcast. That’ll make it SOOOO easy for them to share with millions of people and take only a minute to setup, ideally at the time we do the interview 💪


This is like Blues Clues for Adults.... Thank PAT for your help!! It is much needed


I'm launching an online course for early childhood educators next week over on the empowered educator and although I have already launched it successfully a few times now I am excited to try some of these strategies Pat - thankyou for reminding me we can always be learning something new to try in this online world!! Loving the content and consistency of your recent videos - so helpful!! The strategy that I'm going to go an put in place today is the giveaway as I remember your recent one and thinking it was a great idea and I'd like to find out how to do just made that happen :)


Such an honor to be featured and have my podcast featured in your video here, Pat!
To add to your video here, my Thunderclap campaign was a HUGE SUCCESS achieving the 100-supporter goal and getting a whopping 710k in social reach!!

Thank YOU for being a STAR teacher. Your "Power-Up Podcasting" course is awesome and I highly recommend it to every one wanting to launch a podcast of their own. :)

Your fellow podcaster,
Louie from


I'm planning on having 2 e-books by the end of the year. Yet to think about how to generate interest other than through my small list so this is great information. Thanks


Pat, I'm absolutely falling in love with your content. Been watching your channel for three days straight and am gaining so much value. THANK YOU! Eric


I will be launching a website this summer, and will be running a contest to generate interest. Thank you for always providing such timely, actionable information.


Very cool resources. Wow, I learn something new during every video.
