CovChurch Now | December 2020
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Merry Christmas from the Evangelical Covenant Church!
CovenantCares is your place to engage and connect with God’s work in the world through the Evangelical Covenant Church. We partner with our 11 regional conferences, more than 850 local churches, and global connections in 59 countries to do more in mission and ministry than we could do alone. Your gifts through CovenantCares make a huge impact on lives in our local communities and around the world. Thank you for partnering with us in Covenant mission and ministry.
Mission Priority Updates
Develop Leaders
Covenant Orientation enhances the unity of the Covenant Church by providing common educational experiences in our heritage, distinctives, and mission. This is essential in transmitting the character of the denomination to anyone who is new to credentialed ministry in the Covenant. All Covenant Orientation courses will be offered in early 2021 as virtual experiences. Click here for more information and here for a schedule of class offerings.
Serve Globally
Serve Globally and Love Mercy Do Justice are collaborating to address the evil of sex trafficking locally and globally through FREE. An anti-sex trafficking initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church, FREE calls on the global church to Pray, Learn, Give, and Act domestically and globally alongside our partners. Mark your calendars for the virtual launch to learn how you can be part of the movement to break the cycle of this evil on January 21-22, 2021. More details to come!
As the hands and feet of Christ, we seek to be authentic signposts of God’s love, mercy, and justice in a world that desperately needs it. In our own strength and understanding, we fail to navigate the complexities of doing life together well; however, empowered by the Holy Spirit and sharpened by the Word, we will flourish, experience shalom, and beloved community. Scripture is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, and Love Mercy Do Justice is pleased to offer The Kingdom Mosaic: Life Together Series, a new five-session Bible study focused on justice, racial righteousness, and the mosaic nature of the kingdom of God. The purpose of this new resource is to ground our pursuit of life together in the word of God as a multiethnic denomination. Download this new five-session Bible study here.
As we come to the close of this remarkably challenging year, let us make space to breathe. “Whatever concerns we may have or circumstances we may find ourselves in, Jesus invites us to come to him, breathe, and embrace his words: I AM.” Authored by Covenant pastor Tammy Long, our 2021 Week of Prayer resource, Breathe Together, is now available in both English and Spanish. Each day focuses on one of Jesus’s I AM statements with reflections questions, breath prayers, and an image for visio divina to draw us closer to Jesus and listen to what he may be saying to us. This year’s resource is available in print and has also been especially designed for virtual use—be sure to take a look and share it with others!
We look ahead to the new year with hope. Missional Vitality is working to continue to support churches and their leaders during a time of social distancing and to prepare tools for the new normal we anticipate. We will host a workshop, “Soulcare for Pastors,” led by Ruth Haley Barton. Mark your calendars for either February 2 or 4, and take advantage of an opportunity to be renewed and refreshed.
CovenantCares is your place to engage and connect with God’s work in the world through the Evangelical Covenant Church. We partner with our 11 regional conferences, more than 850 local churches, and global connections in 59 countries to do more in mission and ministry than we could do alone. Your gifts through CovenantCares make a huge impact on lives in our local communities and around the world. Thank you for partnering with us in Covenant mission and ministry.
Mission Priority Updates
Develop Leaders
Covenant Orientation enhances the unity of the Covenant Church by providing common educational experiences in our heritage, distinctives, and mission. This is essential in transmitting the character of the denomination to anyone who is new to credentialed ministry in the Covenant. All Covenant Orientation courses will be offered in early 2021 as virtual experiences. Click here for more information and here for a schedule of class offerings.
Serve Globally
Serve Globally and Love Mercy Do Justice are collaborating to address the evil of sex trafficking locally and globally through FREE. An anti-sex trafficking initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church, FREE calls on the global church to Pray, Learn, Give, and Act domestically and globally alongside our partners. Mark your calendars for the virtual launch to learn how you can be part of the movement to break the cycle of this evil on January 21-22, 2021. More details to come!
As the hands and feet of Christ, we seek to be authentic signposts of God’s love, mercy, and justice in a world that desperately needs it. In our own strength and understanding, we fail to navigate the complexities of doing life together well; however, empowered by the Holy Spirit and sharpened by the Word, we will flourish, experience shalom, and beloved community. Scripture is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, and Love Mercy Do Justice is pleased to offer The Kingdom Mosaic: Life Together Series, a new five-session Bible study focused on justice, racial righteousness, and the mosaic nature of the kingdom of God. The purpose of this new resource is to ground our pursuit of life together in the word of God as a multiethnic denomination. Download this new five-session Bible study here.
As we come to the close of this remarkably challenging year, let us make space to breathe. “Whatever concerns we may have or circumstances we may find ourselves in, Jesus invites us to come to him, breathe, and embrace his words: I AM.” Authored by Covenant pastor Tammy Long, our 2021 Week of Prayer resource, Breathe Together, is now available in both English and Spanish. Each day focuses on one of Jesus’s I AM statements with reflections questions, breath prayers, and an image for visio divina to draw us closer to Jesus and listen to what he may be saying to us. This year’s resource is available in print and has also been especially designed for virtual use—be sure to take a look and share it with others!
We look ahead to the new year with hope. Missional Vitality is working to continue to support churches and their leaders during a time of social distancing and to prepare tools for the new normal we anticipate. We will host a workshop, “Soulcare for Pastors,” led by Ruth Haley Barton. Mark your calendars for either February 2 or 4, and take advantage of an opportunity to be renewed and refreshed.