Healy Tech Tip Tuesday | Healy Academy, Event Calendar, Healy Resources, Bluetooth Troubleshooting

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00:00 Introduction
2:46 Tips on the HealAdvisor Search Module and Tutorial Mode.
5:24 Overview of the Healy Onboarding sessions.
12:13 How to navigate Healy Academy.
21:59 If you have a Professional Edition and you get a Gold Edition, can you log into the Gold if your Professional Edition battery is dead and use the Professional Edition programs?
25:53 If we bought our Healy years ago, are there new or more programs that have been added or available?
29:14 How to check which program groups and modules are included with each of the current Healy editions.
30:53 Is there any program that you can set on Healy with the coil, and the program runs periodically throughout the day?
34:12 How to obtain more information about the duration and description of each program.
36:08 Will pressing the power button make the Healy replay the last program run?
39:58 How to download the Healy 2 app manual in Academy and Backoffice.
45:55 Is it typical for the Healy device to lose connection with my phone if more than 5 feet away from each other? The Healy app sometimes struggles to find the Bluetooth connection with the device … it will appear to connect then lose connection, then go through that loop over and over.
50:05 How to clear your Bluetooth cache on an Android device.
53:07 Can you manually clear the Bluetooth cache on an iPhone as well?
55:42 Can you manually delete a specific Healy you've connected to in the past from your device list in the Healy 2 app?
Notices: The Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs of the Healy are not medical applications. They are not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose, or prevent disease, and have not been reviewed by the FDA. The information presented is for reference and educational purposes only. It should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always seek such advice from a qualified medical professional. Emerging science supports the use of Information Field analysis and optimizations as goals or affirmations.
Information Field analysis and optimizations are not intended as medical advice and are not substitutes for examination or treatment by a medical doctor or other healthcare professional. Healy provides personalized information that can help users understand how to improve their level of well-being, vitality, and awareness. Healy information should not be the only information relied on to make legal, business, medical, or personal relationship decisions, and the manufacturer specifically disclaims any responsibility for user actions based on Healy information.