They Doomed Dragon Ball Daima

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Dragon Ball Daima, the latest and final installment from Akira Toriyama, has been airing weekly since mid October! With the initial excitement having subsided however, Dragon Ball Daima is potentially facing an issue. People don't seem to be watching it or talking about it nearly as much as they have other Dragon Ball projects in the past.

How did this happen? What does this mean? Will Dragon Ball Daima be able to record? The answers to all of these questions are more complicated than you might expect and fascinating to say the least. Can Daima turns things around? Let's find out!


Lofi by Rifti Beats and StoveyBeats
Super Score by Pokemixr92
OST from DBZ Kakarot
Goku Gets Serious / Jaka Jaan Covers by GLADIUS
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After the battle and lore drop in Daima ep 8, I absolutely no longer care what the internet thinks about the show.


Man, how fucked is it that the biggest advertisement for this show might well have been Toriyama's passing.


I think another big problem holding Daima back is its place in the timeline.

Putting it between Z and Super probably made a lot of people feel like it isn't worth watching since it can't change the characters or story too drastically.

Which is a shame because the show so far has been pretty fun


People have been asking for the Moro arc to be animated for years and instead we got Goku as a kid again. Not surprising many aren’t bothering


Sadly Toriyama's passing was the most marketing Daima got.

Edit: A lot of people are confused on what I meant so let me clarify. Toei or Shueisha were respectful of Toriyama's passing and did not use it as an agenda to promote the show. However after hearing this was Toriyama's final project with which he was extensively involved, a lot of people who weren't going to touch this show actually watched it as Toriyama's final work. Daima wouldn’t even be half as popular as it already is without the word of mouth amongst the fandom telling people to give this a shot.


As an OG Dragon Ball fan I'm loving Daima


"The advertising was non-existent!"

Digimon fans: First time?


Dragon Ball needed world building and Akira Toriyama gave it to us..I loved this show more than ever..Dragon Ball needed a story, not battles. The real purpose of this series is clear, world building..


The major problem is the fact that it took FOREVER to move forward in the franchise,
Then when they finally do the anime comes to a sudden end for some more years,
Then when it comes back, they bring in a side story that moves the franchise backwards timeline wise.

I actually think it's a really nice story with nice fight scenes and top tier animation. I just think the problem is a lot of people feel like they wanted something that furthered the story that's been beyond dragged at this point.

Battle Of Gods was over a decade ago and we do all this just to return to a prequel arc?? How good it is, is being out weighted by what people were actually looking for.


Daima is honestly really nice with all of the callbacks, fights, the jokes, and the animation too. It genuinely feels more of a sequel to the original story compared to Super and GT (at least to me personally)

Listen, I don’t hate GT and Super.

Both of them have their issues yes and so does Daima at times. In my opinion, Daima feels the best out of the three when it comes to capturing what makes Dragon Ball itself next to GT. Is it perfect? Hell no. But it is a nice follow up to the original story’s sense of adventure


People need to stop living on the internet, I love the series. RIP Toriyama Sensei.


The lack of dub is undoubtly a big factor for a huge part of the fanbase. However, there's also the big group of fans who don't want to watch 1 episode every week, and wait for a full season to binge.


It’s always been fascinating to me how despite being the biggest anime of all time, Dragon Ball probably has the most divided fanbase of any franchise.


I think not releasing day and date with an English dub was a huge mistake. Dragon Ball has such a big dub following it's baffling to not have it out day 1. The same thing happened with Super taking a year and a half to start its dub


I’ll be frank, the ONLY reason I know this show exists is because I saw a Geekdome thumbnail about this. Then I thought I’d just casually keep my eye out. I’ve seen zero ads or promos whatsoever.


Daima doomed itself. Mediocrity is not to be praised, it’s how we got stuck with Super and the endless incompetency surrounding it.


Ive spoken to too many people who dont realize the amount of effort Toriyama put into this. Theres this thought out there that "Now that Toriyama is dead theyre just crapping this thing out against what would have been his woshes" Hopefully the action in episode 9 will be hype enough to drum up more views.


I basically thought that what has happened was going to happen the moment I saw the trailer. I wasn't a hater - I like DragonBall as a whole. But the moment I saw it, I was like, "Welp, this isn't going to do well. At all. It might even just outright fail." Because if you were to ask someone, "Hey, you watched Naruto from start to finish - saw him grow from a kid into a young man, saw his rise to the occasion, saw the most interesting and the most suspenseful times in his life... wanna watch a show where we back-pedal on all of that and try to recapture the clueless era of Naruto?" No. Not because people don't like that, but because it's literally just a feeling of going backwards. It's this idea that - yeah, as a teen, it was fine for me. As an adult, I like that Naruto grew up with me. I don't need to go back in time with them. I don't need the stakes to be brought DOWN.

Daima has to try and cater to a fanbase of tens if not hundreds of millions who like Goku punching people real fast while also shooting laser beams from his hands, all while roaring in a big, powerful, RECOGNIZABLE this is the equivalent of Marvel trying to pitch "what if the Avengers all turned into children for the next Avengers movie." Nobody would like that. JUST that. Like, that's literally the worst part for most people. Not just the adventure (although, yeah, it's not faito-faito). It's primarily making everyone children. Won't even get to the plot if you shut it out the moment you see it.


Goku vS Tamagami NUMBER THREE was so cool


I am from Mexico, and no promotion for anime ever reaches my country and yet, other shows and older DragonBall series have gained a lot of popularity except Daima, so I don't think it is just that
