Matriarchy: A song / Μητριαρχία: Ένα τραγούδι

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"Che si può fare" Arie a voce sola, op. 8(1664). Barbara Strozzi.

Performed by Maira Milolidaki.

Ερμηνεύει η Μάιρα Μηλολιδάκη.

60 women at a non-stop five-day meeting attempt to redefine their place in today's world.

A film by Nikos Kornilios

60 γυναίκες σε μια 5ήμερη χωρίς παύσεις συνάντηση επιχειρούν να επαναπροσδιορίσουν τη θέση τους και να αρθρώσουν τη δική τους φωνή στον κόσμο σήμερα.

Μια ταινία του Νίκου Κορνήλιου

Рекомендации по теме

Why is the consumer complaining,
but never complained upon?
It is for the tradition that, the consumer is always right !

What thieves took children's colors
and made them into adulterous flag?
Probably other minds, who twist human agony into games of loveless life!

Who withholds women's innate divine love,
and jokingly promulgate self denunciation ?
Quite certainly unwoman minded entities, in women's minds and bodies!


Looks to me that women are really depressed without men. :-)
