Singing on Stage | 5 Tips to be a great performer | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy

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0:00 - Getting started
1:23 - Practice vs. Stage
2:52 - Building Vocal stamina
4:11 - Sound check
6:05 - Connecting with your audience
8:19 - Handling stage fear
10:07 - Bonus Tip
11:20 - Singing courses for you
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Right video at right time. I am going to perform. Thank you so much


I have been singing for past 65!years! Your tips have greatly added to my knowledge. My sincere thanks to you. Excellent work. God bless you.


Thanks to Pratibha Sarathy for the great expression of her own experiences in voxguru! I've been following voxguru since the last few days. It's quite good. I was performing (singing) on stage yesterday in our company Veoneer Automotive to an audience of about 300. I missed her first tip, which is practice 125% Just went through this great session on performance on stage. Hence suffered! Just typed out a summary of her Singing on Stage session here:
There is a big difference in Singing and Performing. Singing is personal. Performance is singing to an audience. It's a very different ball game. Five tips to rock on stage:
1. Practice vs. stage. Whatever output that comes on stage is only 80% of the practice! Hence keep 125% perfect during practice. Everything should flow seamlessly. No thinking of what comes next!
2. Building vocal stamina: Sing for longer period without any strain. Good vocal techniques are to be adapted. Breathing, posture, voice projection, resonance, voice modulation, etc. Teachers say that you should stop singing when in stress. But Pratibha says that the singing should be in such a way that it won't strain.
3. Sound check on the stage before audience arrive. Stage monitors for self voice are to confirmed. Amplifiers for the audience are to be checked with help from any of your friends standing at the audience place.
4. Connecting with the audience. Music is a form of communication. Emotions to be conveyed to the audience. Make sure that you sing with your eyes open. For a performance, it's needed! The audience won't feel get included otherwise. Eye contact is a must. Natural body language is also important. Convey emotions through your body language. It should be natural. Your own body language is better than imitating someone else. Allow your body to react.

5. Handling stage fear:
Nervous. It is very normal. Every artist goes through it. It is not abnormal. Why? Comfortable zone is practicing time. It will only last for 4 to 5 minutes. Nobody in audience would feel that you're nervous. They cannot find out. You have to act confidently for the first 5 minutes. Don't indicate yourself on your nervousness to the audience!
Bonus tip: Only a good musician can be a good performer. So, the first thing is to be a good musician. For the first few years don't think on the performance on stage. Focus on executing methods.


I just started singing 2-3 years back just before the Covid .. I am 64 now and not a trained singer .. but it was dream .. a passion of mine to sing one day which am doing now .. when I started I was nothing but the two years hard practice, knowledge of Hindi music has helped me to come upto a good level .. but if got your videos then it would helped me a lot .. but I am happy I got it at least now which helps us to know ourselves and the stage better ..
thanks once again ..


I always wanted to sing on stage, but this stage fright kills me... but these tips, these tips will help everyone with their beautiful but unrecognized talents. thank you, mam, for uploading the most wanted video of all time and we will always show you our love and support. 👩🏽💖💖👍🏽👍🏽


Thanks madam. I am not a professional singer.But I can sing on stage.Whenever I started to sing I am affected by stage fear so that I used to close my eyes.Thanks for your advice


You said right mam. If our music or voice is not good then all the things would be useless. I'm so grateful to you for making this quality video for us.


Keep up the great service you are giving to all of us. I personally appreciate your teachings and guidance you give on singing. I’m an amateur singer and I’m learning so much from your tutorials. Thank you Pratibha.🙏


Beautiful thoughts and full of wisdom to all musicians young or old like me.I will be sharing this with my group and discuss the tips.unfortunately living in western society we don’t have live audiences to practice our skills.


So wonderfully spoken. All your points and tips are equally relevant for any professional, like managers & leaders, in their workplaces. 🙏


You are such a gift to the music world... I use your videos for my students although I teach western contemporary vocals for years! Keep up the great work. I would love a session with you... though it wouldn't be enough for all that you have to offer and all that I want to grasp. Bravo!


Excellent quality tips. Thank you madam. God bless.


She's awesome.. She knows what she's saying and she's pointing out things that are quite practical. Great video.


Music is an architecture, just like a Staircase on which your singing capacity is pulled up and keeps in a perfect way of rendition!
In other words, music, lyrics and
expressions cannot be separated!
Be a good musician bfore performing your renditoin!
A really valuable tip! Thanks a lot!


So clearly u have explained every aspect, it will b a guideline for a performer on stage.


This is gold. So frequently overlooked even by some professionals. Very well and simply put. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


great clarity of thought in each of your episodes


Really superb. Each points told worth in it’s merit. Though I am not a regular stage performer I believe these excellent tips will help me if followed. Many many thanks for this remarkable advise.


Madam I salute your precious message which you deliver in this lecture Mohinder Singh Mandla


What a nice and best explanation with opt crisp needy tips, , Prathiba we love to hear more and more techniques, , thanks a lot👍VSR