Oregon to open first psilocybin therapy treatment center in U.S.

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Oregon has become the first state to issue a license for a "magic mushroom" therapy treatment center. Angela Allbee, manager of the Oregon Health Authority's Psilocybin Services Section, joins to explain how the center will work.

#oregon #psychedelic #mushroom

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Psychedelic mushrooms really healed me years back. Totally got rid of depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction.


Fifteen years ago I was engaged to a girl I was with for 6 years when she told me she was gay and had been cheating on me the entire time we were together. After countless nights drinking myself into oblivion and hating waking up the next day I by chance found someone selling mushrooms at work. I went to the forest and ate 3 grams. To this day that was the most powerful experience I've ever had. I came to realize the love I had for my ex didn't belong just to her. Love is just love, just because she left didn't change that. I had found a new muse: Everything. Every blade of grass, every oxygen atom in the air, every tree in the forest became my new love. I saw the world through the eyes of a child, awe struck by absolutely everything. I drifted beyond space and time for what felt like 10, 000 years. I went into that forest suicidely depressed and emerged happier than I ever thought possible. The notion of anyone being arrested or punished by law for having these is blasphemy of the highest order.


Research has shown psilocybin to have potent to treat a range of psychedelic and behavioral disorder.


Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction . Imagine carrying heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone . Believe it or not in a couple years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues . ⠀


I’ve been microdosing to treat the trauma and grief of my fiancé dying suddenly in front of me. It’s been a profoundly transformative experience. I am no less sad but I’ve had room for joy and gratitude.
I hope everyone who needs healing is given safe access to this treatment. I’m not saying I am only still alive bc of it but I went from plotting to make my death look like an accident to being in love with life again (even though we suffer).


This is needed even more than marijuana legalization. Both are great for most people.


Psychedelics are just an amazing discovery. It's quite fascinating how effective they are for depression and stress disorders. Saved my life


About time. This is the cure for mental illness in America.. but only in the care/control of medical professionals.


Micro-dosing is the best gift one could ask for. It has so many amazing benefits such as eliminating anxiety and depression, improved mood, addiction, opening of the mind and lots more


Psychedelics are great. It would be nice if everybody had general access because a lot of people could stand to benefit from them.


Psilocybin mushrooms remains the best recreational drugs to take.


Hopefully this won’t end up being too much of a money grab for the facilitators, so that access will be affordable for people who might benefit from the use of psilocybin.
It’s long overdue. Btw, MDMA is on deck as well .


It's been 3 years since I tried shrooms can't find a plug anywhere in my area. Back then, We used one of those vaporizers with the big bags.


They will guide and direct you properly on how to microdose properly to achieve these benefits. He also has amazing mushroom products.


Psst, if CBS would report on more good things like this and not focus on fabricating information for msn, their ratings would be much higher.
(Drops mic, Leaves)


This is wonderful news!!! It just goes to show you that EVERYTHING God put on this earth can be used for beneficial purposes.


I went to prison for 10 years for having shrooms on me, and now it's legal? What a ducking joke this country is.


If it really does work, we should back the science, even if it faces a lot of backlash, in the beginning.
But severe depression is resistant to drug therpy, and treatment is very hard to find that offers any relief.
It is not addictive, as other drugs can be. If it helps, without even worse side effects, we need to research and offer it, if helpful, as it will save lives.


It is preposterous how much these people are charging. One article said they’re charging $3000 for one trip. That’s idiotic. We can grow these for about 60 bucks and potentially have spores for the rest of our lives.
“ the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.”
“ those who love money cannot love God or the people that he made.”
“ behold, a very rich man is very poor, yet the poor man is very rich if he loves people.”
These people are liars for charging like this. God made these medicines for all of us and we don’t need someone with a PhD to have them. We are adults, and we ought to have the freedom to choose what medicines we have in our home. This wicked scandal must come to an end, the pharmaceutical drug companies, the clinicians, the wicked healthcare industry ought to stop bribing our politicians, judges, lawyers, police, healthcare officials, scholars, media professionals and journalist. I am praying to God that he will expose them whilst helping them to understand that they’re making a big mistake, and so they ought to change their ways.


Please Florida allow the legal use of this
