10 interesting facts about creepy ancient weapons , unusual weapons of ancient times

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0:00 - Introduction
0:11 - 1. Khopesh
0:42 - 2. Kakute
1:31 - 3. Shuang gou
2:36 - 4. Zhua
3:13 - 5. Scissor
3:45 - 6. Scythed chariot
4:26 - 7. Greek fire
5:11 - 8. Morgenstern
5:37 - 9. Kusarigama
6:25 - 10. Macuahuitl

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I was today years old when I learned that Kabal's weapon is a real weapon.


so the soldiers were just out on the battlefield scissoring each other all day? war used to be weird.


the ring with spikes was never a thing. spikes facing your palm when you grab would spike your hand when you made a fist, having the spikes outwards and punching would break your finger like an unsupported set of brass knuckles. it has been tested over an over by everyone from shadversity to skalagrim. they where more of a fashion statement and wouldnt be good for combat in any way. maybe if you didnt make hard contact but just brushed up against your enemy with poison on them, but then again a chopstick with the same poison would be just as easy if not easier to conseal up a long sleeved dress or in the hands of a man. or a knife could be used. either way, you punch with it or scratch and your hand is either being impaled, or your finger is breaking. theres a reason why brass knuckles have that part that sits in the palm of your hand and why nuts that are welded together that you put your fingers through have went out of style except the ones with supports welded on them to support their fingers with the palm of the hand.
the zhua wouldnt be very useful either, a spear would be just as useful as they have a thicker part like a hilt to prevent the spear from going all the way through the victim behind the spear head. and that its self could be used to not just stab/ javline a horseback rider if the end of the back end of the spear was shoved and achored into the ground, but also be used to grab and pull. if you want something even closer to that you are looking for, just use a pole axe. why have that inconveint hand with spikes when literally a spear or a pole axe could do the same job but a hundred times better. and im sure they figured out that it was a useless weapon after they saw what a spear or pole axe could do.
morgenstern... was literally just a mace with spikes. its not some special things that was invented by the. as soon as caveman figured out heavy rock on stick means more damage, the mace was invented. and when there was even just wood, they would put rocks into a large hunk of wood and put it on a handle as a weapon. its not a new concept. just a mace with spikes. the idea was invented so long ago we dont even have historical records of it. a morningstar is a ball on a chain, a mace is a ball directly fitted to the handle of the weapon.
kusarigama, not much to say except stupidly impractical. the only way it could even be weilded propery is if the chain was a full arms length long so you could hold the chain with your left hand and swing with your right, and switch which weapon you want as the battle goes on. if it isnt an arms length, you will end up not able to move correctly, and if you just let go of the chain and fight, you risk a chance of just obliterating yourself with a chain and spiked balls as it will swing along side the blade. you might as well take a pistol and tape it directly to the back of another pointed right at yourself and fire both while aiming at your enemy to stop recoil by both pistols firing at the same time effectivly killing yourself and the enemy. just as the blade will hit your enemy and the chain with spiked balls will be swung right into your face. theres a reason theres no other weapon on earth has that design besides some other further away places at the time who havnt learned that lesson yet.
these are just some of the reasons cultures have learned fro mtheir mistakes and left these weapons to history and no longer use them... besides the mace. we still use that. i was just saying that its not a new idea and it was invented by caveman even before historical records could be made.


That Kopesh is a unique design... I haven't seen another with the sharpened hilt; where can I get one like that?


Scissor wounds can definitely cause lethal damage. I watched Chuck Liddell cut a pig in half with one on Deadliest Warrior


The Aztec sword is because they didn't have iron or bronze working. So they took bits of sharp obsidian and attached them to a wooden "sword" instead, that was perhaps more of an axe than an actual sword.


War is war, and it's coming sooner than you expected. So what are you gonna do. Play with your ....


Very well done. Entertaining and informative. The Khopesh was also used to hook an enemies weapon, or the arm wielding said weapon, and remove it from him, or just to open him up for a fatal strike. Thanks for sharing!
Laoshr #60
Ching Yi Kung Fu Association


If the music was gone i had finish the video


Whats the name of the song used for the video?


Kopesh you pictured is no where near what an actual Kopesh looked like. The Kopesh was originally based of the hand scythe used for farming and latter modified to be more functioning weapon.


how can a weapon be "creepy"? are they considered creepy by other weapons? do the weapons featured in this video have a history of staring at younger weapons and saying weird stuff to em?
