How to IDENTIFY Your WIN CONDITION - League of Legends

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Is there a general "for this archetype the most likely win condition is..." type of thing to start with while working to develop the sense of what our personal win condition is in each situation?


Good video. Liked that it just wasn’t a team fight guide or split push o. Overall helped me to look for win con depending on my champ and team comp.


Feels like this video was on the right track but failed to make it into a formula since they explained a more multi-step win condition.
Win Condition => Lane Phase: Purpose to get the gold/pressure/map opened necessary for x, y, z.
Win Condition => Mid Game: Expanding on the previous win condition to setup for x, y, z.
Win Condition => Anytime: Using the setup from last win condition to coordinate a final push and destroy nexus.

1st Win Condition: Requirements (Passive Setup, E, Ultimate)
Illaoi's win condition is to deny enemy farm in their counter match-up and force jungle pressure off their allies laners in order to give their own jungler a chance to snowball other lanes.

2nd Win Condition: Requirements (Passive Setup, E, Ultimate, Cross Map Objective, Ally Pressure)
They use this 1v2 pressure and gold lead once the tower is taken to threaten 1v2/3 pressure on deeper objectives allow their team more time on cross map plays with numbers advantage and the lead of no jungle pressure given earlier from Illaoi's laning phase's win condition.

Final Win Condition: Requirements (Passive Setup, E, Ultimate, Cross Map Objective, Ally Pressure)
Once Heralds/Dragons have opened the map and it's post-20 they've setup the gold disparity and dragon control enough in order to go for one final split push that will lead to a Dragon Soul or Baron Buff. Afterwards any successful 1v2/3 or Teamfight will enable a team push take the enemy nexus and win the game.

Punish Win Condition
Enemies either frightful of Illaoi's split push or blind end up ignoring her split push long enough to secure nexus.

I think it's very important to have an understanding of the process for winning league of legends so you don't get stuck deciding what to do in the middle of game when options are plentiful (including bad ones) and windows of oppertunity or closing and opening all the time. It'll also help to understand the flow of multi-step win-conditions so you can tell whether your allies can even perform the next step or better how to see your enemies win condition so that if it comes to no cost to you you're able to intervene in their win condition.


My first season was season 11. I’m a mid player and I started my ranked climb at Bronze IV (I know. very low) and I stayed there for a long time. Eventually, I got to Bronze III but it took most of the season and I was very stuck after that pinging between IV and III. However, I ended last season in Silver III and it happened pretty much all at once at the end. I went on absurd win streaks which was surprising because I only changed three things:

1) I played one and only one, simple champion. I used to play all kinds of things TF, Zed, Talon, Ekko, Orianna, Galio, etc. Honestly, the list was large. Now, I play Annie. I had gone almost a whole season where my most played champion had 20 games. I’m now approaching 200 on Annie and lemme tell you, it makes a difference. Feeling comfortable and at home in a champion you know well, helps so much. Every skill improved all at once: cs, matchups, wave manipulation, roaming, objective control, skirmishing, lane fights, 1v1s.

2) I stopped throwing away leads and let the enemy throw theirs. The tip really woke me up when I heard it. I was told “Don’t force things to happen. It’s low elo, the opportunities will come to you. People mess up often, you just gotta be able to see it.” Misposition there, bad fight here, objective given there. No vision, throw away self-peel ability. I would just clutch onto any opportunity given. I was surprised how often that secured leads or flipped games

3) Like this video says: win conditions. Reminding myself which actions mean victory constantly helped not only help me decide what to do or react appropriately but kept me on track. No more throwing a game because for one second I forgot what my goal is.

I was surprised it was that simple. No other special tricks. Every other skill came naturally over time. One, simple to grasp champion. Patience. Win conditions. Jumped up a whole tier. Hopefully, I can get to gold this time around. Felt so far before but now it feels so close.


Hey SC, can you do a win-condition video of a random Gold game, where you identify who’s fed, their win conditions, and how they throw away these opportunities in game? That would be great to see!


opinions on this please, as win cond. for riven:

Winning lane:
-Bully enemy top and classic side lane pressure

Losing lane:
-Try to go for solo picks with some 3rd Q wall jumps and play a bit like an assasin
-Just fight 2v2 and outplay evading skill shots
-Flash 3rd Q to a really good engage in a team fight

Im otp riven stucked in plat 4 for 3 years xD but this season is the first time I really feel like I wanna improve


Skill capped I love your guys' videos. You've made a lot of stuff that helps me, but I have one question. You've made videos about how to carry when behind, how to do this and that, but you've never made a video about what to do when you're ahead. In a lot of games I find myself a lot of gold and XP ahead as a top laner, but never know how to close out my games. Could you make a video about this?


This is goood and this is such an important fundamental to understand as early as possible, for sure linking this to my low elo friends


This is pretty good. Would love to see more of this kind of content. Thank you.


Great video! However, think the title is a bit misleading. I would call it: the importance of your personal wincon. Still no idea how to determine the wincon per game (understand that this almost impossible to teach to a hardstuck platinum guy).


I just had a guy in my game pick illaoi into my Viktor. Creamed him, he said mcbaze lied. I said nah fam you'd to yourself


Hello, will we have every the basic win conditions of champs on your site pls ?


Awesome video!. What would be a win condition for Sion? Split and then team fight with ult?


the problem is that in solo Q even if you try to stick to your known win condition, there'll be times where you may fall for the wrong decisions. like if you play a juggernaut top like mordekaiser/sett/darius, your win condition is to win your lane early since these champs are very powerful early game and become giant raidbosses that noone can really stop. but then you see your team doing a dumb teamfight ( usually in soloQ) and they blame you for not dying like and idiot alongside instead of sticking to your splitpushing raidboss win condition you have to aram with your team cause their ego might implode and start trolling/go afk/ff. or start chasing very mobile champs as an immobile champ yourself. let the enemies come to you, not the other way


Illaoi gaming, oneshotting enemy wave and basically standing under enemy tower


I feel like Mordekaiser is similar to Illaoi in terms of win condition? Am I wrong?


I feel like every adc has the same win condition Wich is survive do some DMG take objectives.


the difference between illaoi and other assassins is that even if you get ganked by nautilus and ornn and caitlyn and hecarim at the same time you would still win


i would like to know winconditions for lulu/soraka and espacially yuumi if the whole team is pretty bad…


It'd be great if you do a vWIN CONDITION IDENTIFY as a jungler !!
