why you should STOP using Google Drive !! (Remote Creative Work Solution with Synology)

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How to work with a remote video editor using your own Synology NAS!


Hi! My name is Sara Dietschy (rhymes with peachy) and I live in Dallas, Texas. New videos on my channel every week! I upload vlogs, tech reviews, how-to / behind the scenes travel & lifestyle videos; as well as creative / entrepreneurial focused interviews and documentary films.
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Ok! Maybe I should have expanded more on my problems with Google’s drive client as well 😂 just didn’t want the vidoe to be 30 minutes but the drive client does a really great job when you’re syncing one folder from your own drive to your computer. When it came to 2 way syncing between two different computers and then being able to do that with MULTIPLE folders I ran into issues. But there are obviously options out there!!! Live yals lives people!!🧡🧡😂😂 (and also I was already using my NAS so there are added benefits there too having all in one solution to like everything okay bye)


I’m gonna get ahead of the DIY NAS commenters and say awesome for you!!! Seriously if you have the time to build one on your own I hope this gives you helpful ideas on what kind of software to seek out. And then for people who want a plug and play solution like Synology (like me lol) this will be game changing for your work flow!


o lord, u saying 35mb upload is slow meanwhile i have 0.9mb LMAO


Plot twist : Google sponsors video and sara says "why you should start using Google drive" 😂😂😂


Great video! This is the exact setup I'll be using. AND now I can use your affiliate link to buy it. Nice work.


Hey Sara, came across your video it was nice and informative. I use Synology and google drive in my workflow. Synology acts as my main storage where google drive is my backup solution. I use cloud sync in Synology to backup all my data. You can look that up, it can do one-way sync or two-way sync. Since I have google workspace with unlimited storage it allows me to backup all my data, currently, my google drive is sitting with 45tb of data. Even though Synology is a great raid system I couldn't trust all my data on one system, best practice is to have a backup. As for my editors, I have shared a folder in google drive that they sync their hard drive to and it works similar to the Synology drive client. Since I do a one-way sync from my Synology to google drive, when I am done with a project I just delete it on my Synology and reclaim that space back and still have a copy in my google drive. This workflow may not work for others but it works for me, all you need to have is google drive with unlimited storage.


Hey Sara. You mentioned having two NASs to replicate/backup data between your and your parents' homes; I would also recommend that you periodically backup to offline storage such as an external hard drive that is only plugged in to run an ad-hoc backup (when you feel like it) via something like Hyper-Backup, then unplugged and stored safely. I say this because ideally one medium of backup storage should be offline to protect from ransomware/attacks against the NAS which could then replicate the problems to the other NAS.
You could for instance use the 3-2-1 method:
3 copies of the data
on 2 different media TYPES
1 of those media types should ideally be OFFLINE :)


My dad has been using a Nas for literally a decade and i never understood why so thank you from the bottom of my heart :3


I am having this exact issue. Where can I watch a "How To Set Up A NAS" video you recommend? Or just do a search for a specific YouTuber?


Omg this is life changing. I have literally spent a whole day downloading and linking footage and it's soo painful. You are the best ❤️


Great points brought up Sarah! I personally stopped using google drive a long time ago due to privacy concerns and storage limitations. Now I’m using WD my cloud with 4TB permanent storage and it’s good


Did your editor just send you the Premiere Pro save file or go through the Project manager?


I love my Synology! I use the SQL Resolve option so I can go between my upstairs (main) and downstairs (secondary) editing stations with a seamless experience. It's not horrible to setup and once you get it done it makes using Resolve between two computers almost seamless!


This looks great and I'm considering it myself now since I actually have a Synology NAS. The concern I have is that my upload is only 20Mbs. I have a feeling that might make this whole thing fail, yeah?


That dual NAS and backing up to your parents is really the most important thing. As a person who runs large NAS devices and have seen them die, having a backup is key unless you want to destroy your history. And of course in most people’s cases, they do not have a highly secure server room, so theft and fire are very serious considerations. I kinda hope you consider addressing this in the future. Love you are running your own mini-cloud server! Can I buy space from you instead of Google? When you get the NAS at your parents, of course. 😅😅😅. Snapshots against accidental deletion, etc? Great video!


Can you both work on the same Premiere Pro project at the same time? If you both adjust a clip cut on the timeline, how will both your edits be merged, if they are? Is there a file check-in/check-out system you need to use?


@3:55 power tools auto renames them back for you.

You can also apply smart NTFS compression gives you 20-50% extra storage headroom into your Google Drive but it only works optionally with Xeon processors, i7 and AMD is fine but XEON does best jorb handling that.

Dedicated NAS is awesome


There's a new Google Drive application that's currently in beta that creates a virtual drive for your google drive so you don't have to download your footage as a zip and instead access it as if it was an online drive. It'll be available soon if I remember correctly


@Sara you may have missed my earlier comment, but if you want to stick to the Synology units, make sure you run two of them (see my previous comment). If the Synology internals fail, and they do fail, at times it can wipe or corrupt your data or you will be stuck for a recovery path.

One option though, is when a Synology chassis dies, you can buy another one and attempt to recover the entire RAID array, however, running in a primary/backup configuration, you have a bit more peace of mind.

Also do note, the Synology approach does not protect you against malware that can encrypt your data and demand a ransom. Free/TrueNAS which uses ZFS has a replication feature that allows instant recovery snap-shots; this mechanism DOES protect you against this.

Also ZFS protects you from bitrot and unintentional data corruption; Synology's btrfs is not as battle tested as ZFS so YMMV, including Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR).


This title shocked me so much... Lemme watch it first
