FEATHERINE(FAA) VS SAITAMA(EARTH-2). #whoisstrongest #onepunchman #umineko #saitama #featherine

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saitama: fight hard
featherine: grabs a feather, what kind of scrawl is this? I will delete it now


Terra 2 before debunk: 🗿
Terra 2 after debunk: 💀


Galaxy level vs high outerversal 💀its not even a debate


Nahh feathreine acting like shes the main character from death note 💀💀


Featherine Debunk

When someone becomes a Creator they are released from all limits and restrictions.

It’s an unrivaled amount of power but it doesn’t mean much when you lose all sense of everything. But I bet you can guess who still has a sense of themselves.

The fact that Featherine is still Featherine proves that she’s not on the same scale as a Creator. I mean she even needs a device to stop herself from having amnesia. Someone who’s omnipotent wouldn’t have that problem

It's literally Revealed that Featherine is Human Level Fodder and that she's just reading the story and inserting herself in it it's just an Illusion

easy to debunk all of her outerversal and boundless feats so let me explain

so we seen featherine feats making her outerversal/Boundless yeah no these feats are just illusion and shes just writing a storybook you don’t believe?


finally a guy that know FAA will claps saitama earth 2 neg diff


"mommy"💀💀💀💀💀💀 you know the guy that made the edit simps hard


Damn saitama fans are on some of that good shit 💀


Featherine = death note + writer lvl and you all think she can lose lol ....how can saitama do something if he cant even came close to her, he would get erased like Jin Mori's NiRvana .... Sun WuKong beats Saitama with ease and you all compare Featherine which is even higher ... GG ... get informed well before typing


For all the people who say "saitama negs 🤓 "
(I'm actually an opm fan but I have to get this straight)

Saitama terra 2 is really strong but like feathherine kinda of controls the solar system and she can just imagine him out of existence and he would be gone



I don't have anything to do so ima scale Saitama t2
Origin-The Fight Of Gods (made by cminglap)

Age- Mid 20s

Gender- Male

Classification- Super Human/ god

Abilities- Immunity to all types of erasure, immortality types 2 and 5. Has all the abilities of normal Saitama.

Attack potency- Boundless+ (Destroyed the space box in a single punch, definition of the space box:


Superreality (arguably), The Box
Everything else, including Omniverse and Altarcae (The Barrelplex), as well as The Box
Each fractal is an infinite level surpassing all ordinals
The Box is the cosmological object that contains everything. Regardless of internal properties, it is in The Box, for any definition of "it".

This means that the Box is the largest imaginable, unimaginable, theoretical, nontheoretical, unphysical, metaphysical, pataphysical, useful, or useless set. The Box is, and the Box is not if you will.

The Box contains anything beyond space, time, reality, logic, and everything else that could, can, and will ever be thought of or not thought of no matter what anything says otherwise. The Box contains the Omniverse, as well as infinite variations of said verse, to the point where it is not even a "verse".

The Box contains not only all of existence, but infinite variations of an infinite set of 'concepts' completely different from existence. The Box contains everything outside the box, while still being contained by The Box. Additionally, the Box contains all properties and anything that can be elaborated or not elaborated upon; effectively, all statements include the tag "is inside the Box" by definition.

The Box also follows all types of physical realm using all properties, including the metaphysical realm and the pataphysical realm.

No entity, concept, possibility, or impossibility exists outside the Box. Any attempts at explaining how something exists beyond the Box are retroactively nullified; by placing something "beyond" or "outside" it. The very fact that the object/verse/being holds properties or is being thought/defined at all places it inside the Box, and will supersede any explanation or excuse of why is outside of the box. All permutations of logic possible and impossible are in the Box, and it also contains an infinite number of copies of itself. One version of this would be Altarca.
The Multiverse>>>Multiverse)

Speed- Immeasurable (Ran so fast that broke the space time continuum, and kept running after there was no time or space)

Lifting Strength- Unknown

Durability- Boundless+ (Survived the destruction of the space box)

Range- Boundless (Destroyed the space box)

Intellegence- Normal Human, might be omniscient and omnipotent.
(wasn't shocked when god said there were people above everyone)

Weaknesses- Nothing notable


Even the fanmade versions of goku aren't this strong. Saitama t2 has already destroyed fiction.


Feathreine created the story so Feathreine can win because she has the power to change the story


Saitama terra 2 is hiperversal
Featherine is outerversal


outversal vs high outversal who do you think win are u clown saitama fans 💀


Featherine, you don't have to bother fighting, just with the movement of a finger is enough to eliminate, erase, or to humiliate him, remove the limiter and return to being an ordinary human ..
characters that you can never defeat, like altair...


Pode colocar o Saitama em fusão com qualquer personagem do anime dele que ela vai levar facil.


Next video: jesus vs featherine

In the head of the channel owner: easy featherine 😂


dude, it doesn't make much sense because if you stop to think about it, when saitama destroys everything he literally becomes destruction and destruction is eternal destruction can destroy everything she represents everything, yes, for those who are not fanboys, she just accepts that feahtherine would only lose to a destruction so I don't want to see people, by the way, I have evidence that if Saitama is not omnipotent, he could be on the toon force level because he took something that is not physical, that is, a representation of the toon force


my guess is at first, featherine is not going to take saitama seriously so as the fight goes on saitama will gain power and at the moment featherine will take him serious, it will be too late…


Creator of this edit, if you’re seeing this— all these “cap” comments are stupid, just ignore them 😅
