The making of the Count Dooku vs Yoda fight BTS

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GAMING CHANNEL - @theorysarcade

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I remember when this legendary fight occurred on screen and the entire theater getting up a giving a crazed, shouting standing ovation during the the duel. The loudest I’ve ever heard a crowd cheer. I remember it being so loud that I couldn’t even hear the film and I covered my ears with a smile. Sounded like a soccer stadium after a World Cup goal. What an experience that was. And what a great fight ..


Christopher Lee was such a badass, he lived such an interesting life


I love that last bit of George wanting something more artistic than realistic, cuz it is fantasy and it would get away with it for a better outcome that's just visually appealing.


Such a speaking voice. One of the all time magnificent voices. Right there with James Earl Jones, Ian McKellan, Vincent Price, etc.


Funny how George pronounces his character as ‘Dohkoo’ and not ‘Dookoo’ like we always have. Obi wan says ‘Dookoo’ in revenge of the sith, wonder if it was just the actors pronouncing it wrong and it caught on haha


It’s a good watch! I can relate a lot with George Lucas criticizing the cloth physics on Yoda. He wanted a technically incorrect but romantically correct version of the cloth physics so that it seems more graceful and fantastical rather than ultra realistic.

I have the same sentiments when trying out game development. There’s the in engine cloth physics where the object(s) realistically flow but make very ugly movements. Then there’s something called kawaiiphysics where you can manipulate the physics of the object to be more or less flowy / snappy / etc and always go back to its original render pose form when the movement is done rather than falling limp, resulting in more stylized type physics.


So if my maths is correct, he was 78 when this was filmed. Blew my mind!!


I will never get tired of these BTS clips. Was a different time, George set the bar for how to craft a universe. So sad so many filmmakers take the easy path nowadays, cut corners, don't hire this level of talent in every position, don't have the vision, all of it


Every BTS i see reinforce my idea that George Lucas was a genius and most importantly a real trust on the work of his team


ill be honest, dookus my least favourite sith, hes overrated asf, and i firmly believe he wouldnt be as loved if he wasnt played by Sir Christoper Lee (may he rest in peace). but he, the actor, when he speaks you cant help but respect what he says. he seems to just have such knowledge and the voice to go with it lol


I never liked this fight. It's clear that there's no contact forces when the sabers clash, and it takes all the energy out of the scene. It very obviously just a person swinging round some sticks with a lot of CG on top. What we needed was some way for the stunt double to actually hit something, and be hit by something.
