Try Not To Look Away CHALLENGE spider edition (95% will FAIL)

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Try Not To Look Away CHALLENGE spider edition (95% will FAIL). creepy spiders and people. bet you will look away.

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Try Not To Look Away CHALLENGE spider edition (95% will FAIL) script

Hey guys and welcome to listed
in todays video I will be doing a try not to look away while watching this video (spider edition ) 95% of you will fail.
And just for fun like and comment below to make sure these spiders don’t turn up in your house tonight. if you like this video then please give it thumbs up and subscribe to listed for more weekly lists sytle videos. I hate spiders I failed while making this video looking away multiple times can you do better. Let me know what clip gets you? so lets being the try not to look away video spider edition.

What better way than to start off this bet you will look away video with a weird spider called the American whip spider, seriously I had to google this spider after finding this clip as I did not think it
was a real thing, but guess what it is watch this clip and remember don’t look away.

We all have friends like this guy in this video he cathes a massive spider in a bin on the ceiling and thinks it will be a laugh to throw this at his mate filming check this one.

There is something rally creepy about this spider I think it the high quality footage that creeps me out oh and did I mention it can jump. Try not to look away at this.

if you have not looked away so far then this next clip is a treat, it’s a very short clip of a girl wearing a hat and smiling at the camera nothing bad about this one. Well I bet this will make you look away. I want ruin this one so hear it comes are you ready?

something about how cause this guy picks up this massive spider that lives in the ground I would not want to be near something that big let along pick the thing up check this out.

Things start to take a turn for the worst and I guarantee that this will make you think about looking away if you have not done so already. I love the guys impersonation of Arnold schwarzenegger in this video, but your not hear for that your hear to try not to look away so enjoy the next clip.

your doing well so far if you have not looked away. We have another fearless bloke catching a massive spider with his bare hands check this out.

Again its something about jumping spiders that should not be a thing. But they do and this guy laughs it off. I know for one that I would screen loud as hell and run away so fast. Check this out.

your walking down the patch one day and you bump into a spider 2 things a hate about this clip is the size of the spider and the fact that it like a damn ninja check this out.

coming to the end of this try not to look away video and the the next clip has a guy pocking a massive black spider around the wall of his house. He must be mental. Check this out.

last video on the try not to look away challenge we have a what looks like a lump of moss growing on a wall well guess what its thousands of spiders come running around the place creepy . Check this out.

thanks for watching the try not to look away challenge spider edition. Let me know in the comments if you where the 1% that did not look away. or tell me what video made to lose. If you enjoyed this video then why not subscribe to listed for more weekly list style videos and why not check out some of my other videos that appear on the screen as im talking. Until next time see you later.
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Did you manage to watch them all without looking away? if not what one got you?


I swear I felt something crawl on me during this video. But surprisingly I actually beat it.


Me: *has arahnophobia*

Youtube: *this video*

Me: ah yes that's fine. *let's watch*


Me right from the 1st clip.. " Ah NO!"


Why do I make myself suffer like this

I have arachnophobia

I cried

But I didn't look away


I have arachnophobia, but I passed somehow, but it will sure haunt me until my last breath.


I literally got one second in to the first video and chucked my phone across the room and now I'm shaking👌


I looked away!

but because I needed to use the bathroom


2:01 ok, how could I not stare? THAT SPIDER IS FRICKIN ADORABLE 😂


0:54 Whip spider
1:22 Either a house spider or huntsman spider
1:59 jumping spider ( some kind because there are many types of jumping spider)
2:38 house spider( if I'm right)
3:07 (some kind of tarantula)
3:39 I dunno wat kinda spider is that
3:54 tarantula
4:44 house spider, huntsman spider or probably wolf spider?
5:13 its "like" Brazilian wandering spider
5:53 heh. The one in our Philippine country, Marka Uno baby spiders, one of the orb weaver family. (Bc of it's black mark like the one on the redback widow spider. But this one is black but harmless).
6:29 huntsman spider


you got the last two mixed up. BTW the first one got me a little... CAUSE IT WAS SO WHIPPING GOOD


0:43 I think it’s a little creepy that the spider is huge and has hands but it’s adorable when the woman holds it 🥰🥺


The first second in the clip made me shudder, god I’m so scared of the little monsters


Omg I literally am watching this and I feel something on my toe so I start jumping around and now my ankle is sprained. Nice job playing it cool me.


I don't understand how other people with arachnophobia managed this because the first spiders' legs made me cry😐


3:34 it wasnt grosss it was super funny XD


The only times I looked away was when there was no video, and trust Spiders are my biggest fear and I have other pretty big fears too but the spiders are number 1


I couldn’t help but awww at the ninja spider. He was so freakin cute! Btw I didn’t look away lol


I hate spiders but I watch this for fun


Someone: Do you like spiders? Someone else: * faints *
