Bombshell Report Reveals FBI Never Wanted To Investigate Trump For Anything

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According to a bombshell new report from The Washington Post, the FBI and Department of Justice REALLY didn't want to investigate Donald Trump for anything - not the documents that he stole or the events leading up to January 6th - because they were terrified of being accused of launching partisan investigations. Ultimately, the agencies were overwhelmed by the evidence and had little choice, but insiders say that the reluctance can still be seen in how the investigations have been handled. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

According to a bombshell new report from the Washington Post out yesterday, the Department of Justice, and of course, by extension, the F B I, which is a part of the D O J, were so reluctant to launch an investigation into Donald Trump's, uh, attempts to overturn the 2020 election that they put off the investigation for 15 months and even scrapped proposals that would've allowed the US attorney in Washington, DC to conduct the investigation. Now, this report from the Washington Post, uh, let's see. This was based on, uh, uh, internal documents, court files, congressional records, handwritten, contemporaneous notes, and interviews with more than two dozen current and former prosecutors, investigators, and others with knowledge of the probe. So it's not just the Washington Post, of course, making a hunch here that, oh, Merrick Garland seems like he's a bit scared to take on Donald Trump. This is from dozens of people who worked in the D O J who wanted Merrick Garland to do his job.

But Garland, according to the report, was just so darn focused on, on moving forward as a country, you know, looking forward, not looking backward, which by the way, those were actually the words of Attorney General Eric Holder. When President Obama took office in January of 2009 and appointed Eric Holder, he said that he didn't wanna investigate the many potential crimes of the Bush administration, including the lies that led us into the unwinnable wars, and of course, the authorization of torture from that administration because he wanted to look forward, not backward. And then Merrick Garland came into office with Joe Biden and basically wanted to do the same thing. The only reason Merrick Garland wasn't able to push off those investigations is one, I think because social media is prominent today, whereas it really wasn't when Obama took off as it existed. Sure. But it wasn't as strong as it is today.

But secondly, because the evidence became overwhelming to the point where the Department of Justice could no longer ignore it, and they realized that they had to do something about it. And of course, as we all know, yes, that investigation is continuing today. And yes, it does seem likely that Donald Trump will get indicted for his attempts to overturn that election. But at the same time, these insiders with the d o that spoke to Washington Post say that the damage has already been done. The reluctance to investigate Donald Trump, because Merrick Garland was afraid of being seen as launching a political investigation, didn't wanna, didn't wanna upset the angry right wingers, you know, who supported the insurrection, by the way. Like, oh, let's not, let's not make those people upset. And Merrick Garland ought to be fired, folks. I mean, so many people in this Biden administration need to be removed because they

Suck at their jobs. Now, the catastrophes that we have seen from the Biden administration, I don't think most of 'em fall on Biden's head, but they do fall under the heads of the people that he has appointed to run these very important organizations like the Transportation Department. I'd say they've done a pretty crappy job.
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*_GODDAMN IT!_* I and thousands of other people have now been vindicated for our outrage at Garland sitting on his ass while others were telling us we needed to be patient, the wheels of justice move slowly. Slowly hell, they were rusted to the tracks. I said at the time that Garland only moved when the Jan. 6 report came out and left him no choice but to investigate. His inaction has cost this country dearly and I for one will never forgive him for that.


Merrick Garland needed to understand that to move forward, investigations and charges need to be made, even if it is the former President.


Good to know our law enforcement agencies can not just abstain from doing their jobs, but outright protect criminals if they feel like it.


That's why Brett Kavanaugh got in the Supreme Court FBI didn't investigate him either


Thank God for Jack Smith. They should have investigated earlier, and indicted Trump a year ago. They shouldn't have had to be forced to investigate Trump.


I am so sick and tired of these peons not wanting to make these GOP terrorists face the consequences of their nefarious actions. Refusing to do so is NOT moving forward.


I find this hilarious. They want Trump to get away with it but Trump did everything wrong.


Never has a person received more leniency from criminal investigation than Trump. His "Poor me's" are a pitiful cry.


Equal justice for all ? Lol. So sad the inequality of justice in America


I think the January 6 committee pushed the evidence to the forefront


One can’t move forward if accountability isn’t achieved.


"Because Garland is a coward and shouldn't be AG anymore." He shouldn't have been AG two years ago. Someone eager to jump into J6, the Mueller report/indictments, the Ukraine intimidation, the "perfect call" to Georgia, etc. should have gotten that job.


Merrick Garland should be fired immediately, if not sooner


Such absolute ridiculousness! They should want to investigate EVERY crime! Either we’re a nation of laws or we’re not. Period.


The DOJ, Garland, is all about not violating precedents, i.e. don't indict an ex-president. Garland had to be shamed into doing the right thing. Unfortunately a year was wasted.


Merrick Garland needs to be fired immediately.


Their inaction has set this country back by at least a decade.


Sad to read, but it confirms my feelings that Merrick Garland has been dragging his feet since day 1 on this. I've also thought that his appointment of Jack Smith was Garlands way to not have to deal with this.


Ah yes, that two tiered justice system Republicans talk about, except they are the only ones that look to benefitting.


All of those months and months of us saying he was dragging his feet and being told that he just wanted to make sure the case was strong enough before making a move. Well, here we are.
