Danville City Council meeting ends in shouting match over casino

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Council members unanimously voted to support a bill in the General Assembly that would allow for a casino in Danville. However, not everyone is happy about it.
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No! crime and drugs prostitution the city has lost its way!!!! Danville is getting worse... wages, jobs, housing, question do they clean the streets in the older neighbor? Does the city council use your city for the right agenda..a safe and decent place to raise your children?
okay if you're saying that is a good place to have a secure job... well let me know when years from now your daughters and granddaughters are being used!

This is just money hungry city officials
using the city for profit
I have had my say, now if you want what gambling brings and your man or son is losing money and you can't pay the rent
by all means, don't stand up and stop this disaster to our families!!

The ladies in Danville use to be concerned about the social events
and cared about family!
I remember Mrs. Brown and the other members believed in FAMILY, GOD, a decent way of life and a help up out of dirt... to be a productive member to the city
NOW I guess the social groups turn their heads for a buck...
I pray my God give you what you sow, those as they sow the seeds of corruption in homes throughout Danville
the crime and evil ways to make a buck...

Wake up your city is going down the tubes...
I found out the average worker makes less then other cities...why...officials
do not care they will make millions off this endeavor with ways that will destroy your city...WE the People it is your CITY Your money their using

gambling addictions are a real thing

where are God's Men!!!

Hell awaits!
