David Walker, former US Comptroller General talks about Fiscal Responsibility at ALEC 2023

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Short, crisp, and spot on, Mr. Walker!
Kudos to those who have persisted in the right and proper use of Article V to save our constitutional republic!
And raspberries to Congress, which has shirked its responsibility for 50+ years. And more raspberries to those "conservative" groups, paralyzed with fear of their fellow Americans, who have fought for years to block their fellow Americans' attempts rightful and Constitutional use of Article V.


I love the term (word) "limited" government. There is no better word so purposely vague to mean whatever the "activists" saying it - want it to be. LOL! This all sounds good but it's all stagecraft and theatre. Created predominantly to scare the masses to advance political propaganda based on a mythical perfect history that flourished financially due, in large measure, to the exploitation of black Americans forced against their will (and freedom) into sex and work slavery. And written out of history to build upon the myth of a time of perfect "limited" government. LOL!
