Arista EDU 400

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A new chapter in film comparisons, I look at the differences between Kodak Tri-X as our standard and Arista EDU 400. All films in these comparisons were shot using the same lighting and position, developed in Kodak D-76 using the manufacturer’s recommended time, and printed on Ilford Classic FB at 11x14 size using the same contrast settings. The printing time varied to cancel any changes in film base fog from film to film. I included the H&D curves for each film to see the individual differences and we look at the overall print, the spectral response of each film, and the grain characteristics.

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truly my favorite channel - thanks for all the work 🧀


It would be great to have access to the side by sides for all of the different films on a website so that we could compare say the Arista 200 to the FP4 side by side. Loving the seires though.


Just.... thank you for all free and very good content you give us!


I would love to see the impact using Rodinal, HC110, XTOL, D76 and DDX have on the spectral response compared. I usually use Rodinal with Foma films as although the highlights can be challenging I like to compensate for the 'milkiness' (?) which I feel Rodinal helps with. Foma 200 is apparently t grain?

I would also love to see the graph for multiple batches, I was wondering how much variability there is.

Thanks for the video!


Its Very easy to read the numbers through the little red window.


My vote also goes to Arista 200. I bulk load it to bring the cost down even further.


It's strange. You told us that Fomapan 400 is slower than 400, but you're telling here that arista is a 400 speed film. They are the same film as far as I know. They both have increased red sensitivity and decreased Cyan sensitivity


With all of these videos comparing to tri-x, are there any favorites you come across? Or even just some that seem to be a cut above on pleasing grain, good dynamic range, etc


It's interesting that your results showed this was a true 400 speed film. In my (non-scientific) experience, Arista EDU is a bit slower than what it says on the box - or have I been under developing this entire time? (stock XTOL 7min)


It's a true 400 speed film? Well this is good news. We can't expect this film to be as good as Tri-X, but if it's gonna be less than half the price, I'm cool with it.

I just wonder who makes it. Is it Foma?


Arista = Foma. Period. The only film producer in Czech republic is Foma Bohemia. We often get medium format rolls with font and tape used on Arista export films (it is different than Foma font and tape) in our lab but packed in Fomapan boxes. This probably happens when they produce more than needed in out of EU markets. Tape used on Arista MF rolls are different than on Foma rolls. Tape on export rolls are very sticky and cannot be taken off. Tape on Foma rolls are standard masking paper tape, that is easy to take off. There is no doubt Arista is made by Foma Bohemia in Hradec Kralove. Same as Lomo Earl Grey and Lady Grey and other third party rebranded films. Last but not least, when you develop Foma made MF rolls packed in whatever boxes, your developer will be dark greenish/blueish. This doesn't happen with Ilford/Harman made films or Kodak made films.
