“Three Billboards…” award shows “what Hollywood Foreign Press thinks of America” | Ben Davies

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Modern film reviews are based on the "girl power" algorithm.


this is a race baiting movie . Luckily where I live we all respect each other.


I had never even heard of this movie before


Dunkirk should have won but because Hollywood is biased against war movies it didn't


I recommend this movie.. if not just for the performances! It was a refreshing change to the usual generic Hollywood crap. What can I say .. I enjoyed it :)


Movie was okay, I found it interesting to watch since I didnt know how the plot would unfold. I also assumed it was based in the 70's and it felt like it (no computers or tech used anywhere), until the school scene with the modern cars caught me way offguard


Thanks for reviewing this, because there was no way in hell that I was going to watch it. The previews turned me away from it, but I had thought it was true story dredged up and altered from obscure news item. I also thank you for investigating and disproving that tidbit. Hollywood truly is a fantasy land where what they sell stinks.


Stopped going to movies and buying DVDS. I refuse to support Hollywood anymore. SJW and feminist BS is has ruined movies.Keep it up hollywood.


I never go to movies, never buy dvds and never pay for any Hollywood trash anymore


Have not yet seen it, as it is not out here yet, but knowing McDonagh's movies so far and several of his plays, I'm certain that there is at least depth to it and I doubt that he tailored the movie towards the SJW-crowd; he's never been politically correct and his characters are generally on the extreme side. (doubt any here is worse than any of the characters in "The PIllowman", for example). Also I'm wondering if there will be any religious symbolism in this movie; Bruges in "In Bruges" was a sort of purgatory, maybe "Billboards" is similar in this regard.
Also, I doubt that most of the audience will assume that (middle) America is anything like this; his audience at least is sued to theatrical hyperbole.


Totally disagree. The perfs are great and the point for me was that there is good and bad in all the characters. The sheriff is NOT a "piece of garbage"! He's dying of cancer yet goes to great lengths to explain to Mcdormand why he can't find her daughter's killer and why he feels so bad about it. It's not remotely like real life, but it has something to say about how we treat each other.


I can't help but love any movie with Sam Rockwell in.. he is just a really good actor :)


What I was shocked about at the Golden Globes was The Disaster Artist winning over The Greatest Showman movie ... I love The Room and The Disaster Artist and have yet to see The Greatest Showman as its not my cup of tea .. but I don't see The Disaster Artist as a Golden Globe winner type of movie no matter how much I loved it :)


It's a goood movie, but i expecedt a lot more, probably because i wanted another ''In Bruges''. Felt a bit bland and meh at moments, and at others far too ludicrous. 7/10. It's one of those movies you would watch only once, but wont feel as if it was wasted time.


Hey, Ben, do No County for Old Men next!


The only thing I liked about this movie was Sam Rockwell (even though I am not sure what sparked his transformation). I don't understand people watching a movie review if they don't watch movies, either.


You seemed open minded at first, but eventually your arguments against the film dissolve into the stereotypical "leftists r bad" arguments. Furthermore, I have to disagree with your other arguments fervently, as will be explained more so below:
1. NOT all the characters are unlikable. I have no clue how you see it this way. Chief Willoughby is an extremely likable character who you are made to feel for and understand, Mildred is a heavily flawed heroine who is on the right side of things for the most part, but her actions are often destructive, Red is a kind hearted man who eventually forgives Dixon after *SPOILERS* being thrown out of a fucking window by him, Dinklage's character is a fine, nice, and funny guy, Mildred's son is a mostly minor character but from what we see of him he is a bit rude in some aspects but understandably so and is overall a good hearted person, and I could go on. Every single person in this film has at least one sympathetic moment. At least one moment of true understanding.
2. NO, this is not an SJW movie. Maybe there are some SJW-esque statements made by the lead character, and there is some commentary on racism and the like, but last time I checked SJWs were basically just PC extremists. This movie is not fucking PC. As a matter of fact, there is a joke directly mocking political correctness, and a bunch of mainstream leftist news outlets have already called the movie racist because of how the despicable antagonist is eventually made more understandable and likable despite his horrible actions.
3. You literally searched to see if this was a true story because the real victims would be so offended. People did that shit back in the 90's when Fargo came out lol.


You’re not wrong - let them continue doing this -$ talks and when we speak as a group with our $ perhaps one day the bean counters will take charge of the nonsense - until then I’m out, no movies


I love McDonagh´s previous movies- in the Bruges and 7 psychopaths. His dark humor
appeals to me. What a pity, he decided to please the Left.I can only hope, that you are wrong.


Exactly, they should have paid me to watch this movie !!! What a travesty !!!
