Meyer Quick Service Logistics Imagefilm EN V1 2 720p 5Mbps H264 31.10.14

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QSL Fulfilment for system catering

Friedrichsdorf. Burger, Whopper, sandwich & Co. need to be fresh so that is really tasty! Therefore QSL cares!

At the company headquarters of the traditional family company, people are proud of being able to offer real added value to food outlet chains.

“QSL arose from the need or demand for a complete logistics service for food outlet chains”, Markus Bappert, Managing Director Ludwig Meyer GmbH & co. KG, explains.
The company considers itself to be a food logistics partner with a trading function, that manages the entire logistic processes for its clients, organise the optimal purchasing for them, procures, stores, commissions and distributes the goods in stock and draws up the account as well.
Full service for the “point of sale”

The focus in each case ist he restaurant, in other words, the „point of sale“. It ist he centrepiece and starting point for volume control and all the associated processes.
“Our customers concentrate on strategic purchasing, while we assume the operative planning of the purchasing channels”, Florian Entrich says.
Continuous procurement – optimum warehousing

In the pre-collection and storage at the multi-temperature sites the excellently-trained specialists work hand-in-hand. “The fresh process begins upon receipt of the goods. We perform temperature checks, we check the quality, quantity - everything that's necessary for storage. Including damage. Then, if everything is ok and once the delivery note has been systematically processed, the goods are scanned and thereby allocated a storage place, “ Mathias Huber, Branch Manager of the multi-temperature warehouse in Dornstadt, explains.

The moderne multi-temperature fleet is monitored by a telematic system that makes the temperature and all other data available online.Thnaks to GPS positioning you can see where each individual vehicle is at all times. With innovative drive concepts such as hybrid trucks and natural gas engines QSL ensures that the environment also gets some of relief.
In the name of quality

As QSL we have geared our processes towards achieving the highest level of quality. All recognised industry standards, such as the International Food Standard (IFS), are complied and have been certified by independent experts and likewise our customers for the quality of our processes.
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