They Used to be a 'Player' But You Trigger Their Heart in a Different Way [Divine Feminine Reading]

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This masculine / Divine Masculine used to be a "player" energy that would come of as a bit flaky or non-committal in love, but there's a Divine Feminine here who has triggered their heart in an entirely different way which is causing an expansion, but also surfacing some deep-level fears and insecurities (some of which may come from childhood). This may be a twin flame reading or Divine Feminine reading for some, but please only take it as it connects. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
→ Reading Recommendation: "Love Magnetism" under the "Love + Relationships" category in the app ♥︎

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮



𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥

𝘽𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙄𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨
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𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
→ Reading Recommendation: "Love Magnetism" under the "Love + Relationships" category in the app ♥︎


I blocked him last month, he wanted to be with me, but not call it dating, not put in any effort, not answer my calls and expect me to turn up as he wishes. A few days after I cut ties, I no longer felt sad, I felt relief. I can feel his energy at night keeping me awake. He can stay away, I'm waiting for the king to my queen to arrive, and nothing less will do.


Great video, I was in a beautiful marriage before my now ex wife left me, i still love her and most times i cant stop thinking about her, i am doing my very best to get rid of the thought of her, but i just cant, i love her so much, i dont know why I am bring this here for, I cant stop thinking about her.


Familiar ??
Not physically.. but the flow of energy and feelings was like we’d spent our whole life together.
Within 10 minutes finishing off each other’s sentences.
The realization of this stopped both of us in our tracks at almost the same instant.
We looked at each other.. a nervous grin and laugh, and continued on with a sense that what was happening was a very special moment.
Lordy.. we were just really comfortable with each other.
Looking back, we both realized something very special had just happened. Not quite sure what, but something that neither one of us had ever experienced before.
A connection that was of the mind, not physical but of a soul connection.
A beautiful warm glowing feeling, that’s as strong today as it was two years ago.


You're so spot on Infinity, as usual. I'm still in my own lane. I'm not waiting or rejecting. I'm just living in the moment❤


You are describing the man I am with. He really does not show feelings and I get upset because I give and feel unappreciated. There has been things that have happened in the relationship and it has shown me I need to pull back and I have contemplated a break up. We are past life..
I do know we moved circles around each other as children. We have crossed paths.. when we first met almost 4 years ago we did both feel a familiar sense of already knowing each other.
I have cried so much over this and it is hard on me.. I am having to heal myself and fill my own cup up. He told me his fear was my leaving.. and I feel he has never let me in.. not really. Long time ago he set me straight telling me this is not a fantasy and he has crushed my excitement and passion.. I love him so much, but not willing to keep up giving for breadcrumbs..


My DM ask me out a week ago and I turned him down. He doesn't know its because he's still in his karmic ways. Sunday we both message each other saying we recognize who we are to each other. He's intimidated by me and he's very logical in his head. My DM is a player in 3D, he has to change his ways by doing inner work I can't keep going back for a one off intimate 2 hours and then he runs again. I set my boundaries this time. Thank you my dear this is exactly where my DM and I are on our twin flame journey.


I listened to this yesterday … the signs and synchronicites are strong lately. I received a missed call from my TF last night and a follow up text to let me know he was calling to see if I was ok. I called back this morning … literally said to me I’m a special woman, I’m his twin flame, I have his heart …. I felt it in the 5d and then it showed up in the 3d . Amazing 🤩 ❤


I used the Sound and Soulful meditation app for over a month and whoa, I think it worked too well: I had so many date offers that I joked to my BFF that I need to turn the neon sign over my head off: NO VACANCY. 😂 This reading resonates so much. As much as I’ve enjoyed having additional attention and going on a few dates, I really do miss my DM. But listening to the “Surrender” subliminal in the Twin Flame playlist definitely brought me inner peace. Thank you, Infinity!


It often looks like I’m listening to comedy when I have this on in public, laughing out loud at the accuracy. Exactly said ‘I’ve met you before, haven’t we met? You look familiar…”
It was the most beautiful & profound moment of my life ❤


Hi Infinity ♾️ My twin wrote a song I saw when I first met her and it really made me feel so sad, it was called, say goodbye before our first hello, this describes exactly what is going on. She is so afraid of being vulnerable and falling in Love. Definitely abandonment issues run deep. I am constantly trying to help and send Love in 5D. We have been Devinely seperated I think because she is fighting the connection. Many channelers are picking up on this. I Love her deeply, but I've had to pull my energy back and work on myself. I've got your sound and soulful subliminals I've been using them for a while, I feel they are working it's definitely having an effect on our connection.


✨He told me “I treat you different.” And told our friends “She’s different “ ✨


"Are you real?" My masculine asked me this via phone when we first spoke 2 1/2 years ago! Let me tell you, that this entire message is what we've experienced and in some ways still experiencing. Yes, he finally came foward removing the MASK after a lot of damage! I've finally gotten to the point where I've forgiven him.
Spot on message!


Thanks for another reading. I heard in my head this morning that someone describes me as a unicorn, but I consider myself more of a pegasus. I need wings to fly and be free. It's going to take someone special to be able to handle my free spirit.


A year ago this day I was preparing my home as a celestial temple for my twin-flame reunion. This took around three weeks, and a few days of silence to prepare my inner. a few weeks after this we blossomed into full harmonious union and had a few months of nirvana, before she passed from the physical, on the anniversary of our hand-fasting, the day appointed when we would renew our years promise. she made sure that I knew her answer.
she left another promise - to return....


This is precisely what is happening right now. Old childhood trauma is coming to the surface, and he’s being forced to face his past, to challenge his fear of vulnerability & abandonment and to face needing to make changes in his life. We both have work to do, but his is critical to us moving forward. This reading is absolutely spot on for what’s happening. I think he can’t believe that I could be so understanding.


This resonates with me as I told the divine feminine the truth about being in love with her. I was so reluctant to do so because the connection we share intuitively I have never experienced before. It is so warm and sweet I do not want to loose that it as if I felt love like never before. But the chance of loosing her is worse so I stepped out and expressed my feelings. I have ever done this before. But you explained here that she already knew and is biting her tongue. She is sitting in her throne for she is Supervisor in my job. But I know intuitively she feels this also but in the physical it seems we are at a distance but still feel each other's presence. Sorry I am just trying to understand this thank you infinity. ❤️


This described my partner perfectly. He is a lot of work & I needed space because I was drained. I can't stay away from him long lol & he knows it. I'm living my life as I've told him what I need. I'm only meeting him halfway, the rest is on him. I ❤ him but I can learn to ❤️ from afar. It would be difficult but I'm not waiting YEARS for him. I already know what time it is😂


Omg Infinity, spirit really is working you overtime. Lol! Thank you for the readings though! I appreciate you!


It resonates highly ❤There is fear, there are insecurities ❤ But There is so much of Love ❤I claim and affirm this energy 🧿🧿 thank you angels thank you Universe 🙏🧿💙
