How Elizabeth Warren Makes Money

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Elizabeth Warren is running as an advocate for the middle class and a critic of the wealthy. But the senator has amassed some wealth of her own too. Warren and her husband Bruce Mann's tax returns and Senate financial disclosure forms show the couple is worth millions. Here's where all that money came from.

The leading Democrats running for president in 2020 have piled up wealth during their time in the national eye. Elizabeth Warren is no exception.

Last year, the Massachusetts senator and her husband, Harvard Law School professor Bruce Mann, made about $850,000, according to tax returns. In the past five years, they have not made less than $700,000 and took in as much as $1.5 million in 2014.

How did they make their money? On top of Warren’s Senate wages of about $175,000, she made more than $300,000 from writing last year. Mann earned about $400,000 from his job at Harvard.

Warren, who has written several books over the years, has earned her biggest chunks of change from writing, lecturing and consulting. The 2020 field shows it still pays to be an author — most of the top-tier presidential candidates have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars or more from writing books.

Warren has run for president pledging to overhaul the economic and political system to favor workers more instead of wealthy Americans and corporations. Still, she has repeatedly said she is a capitalist who does not want to stop other Americans from succeeding financially.

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How Elizabeth Warren Makes Money
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She wrote a book. People bought it. Saved us 5 minutes.


If she were poor you wouldn't heard of her.


Oh and by the way - Warren has released 11 years of her tax returns allowing for full transparency during her Presidential run.
Her actions have enabled this video to be made.
Now do the same video analysis for Trump!


She was a Harvard law professor technically she would of made more money as a law professor than as a senator if you don't account for her books


So here is the strong point. She makes a ton of money but is still willing to PAY HER SHARE. Also, shared the tax records. Where are Trump's?


this is nothing but corporate propaganda lmao.


I have no problem with Warren making her money honestly. If people want to buy her books that’s great. I have a problem with politicians like Biden who’s personal wealth and that if friends and family appear connected to his political power and influence, blackmail and government favors. I have a problem when government is exempted from laws the rest of us must follow.


I love the insinuation that earning a few hundred thousand for a few years somehow lumps you in with those who have more than FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS?


What’s the point of this news? This kind of news doesn’t help America at all. Waste of my time to watch this stupid show.


Nothing wrong w making honest money. She and Bernie just expect that income level to pay a higher tax rate, and to not bribe congress to change laws to benefit them.


So she made $12 Million last year and only paid $5000 in tax … Hmmm. And who needs to pay their fair share?


She reported and disclosed her income and wants to increase her own taxes. Not report loses and manipulate the value of her properties to pay less like our current president. She’s a real patriot. 💪🏽


What point are you trying to get across?? They are hypocrites?? Come on man. Just because she is proposing changes that are “deemed socialism “ doesn’t mean that Warren is against capitalism. All she is doing is proposing changes to the rules which all citizens will play by. Making money is not a crime and this is not what Warren is saying


The irony of this is that it has made me think about buying one of her


Let's stop the upward redistribution of wealth that has been going on for about 40 years.


Why on earth does one think that everyone who makes good money must be unwilling to share their success.

Some people have ethics morals and the ability to share, while this piece suggest no one fits that description.

To be a millionaire now a days one simply needed to buy a home 40 years ago - a millionaire is ordinary


All this did was make me want to vote for her more! She's fighting against extreme greed, not being successful. #Warren2020


She says she’s against theft yet taxation is theft


She's pro capitalism...what's wrong with that? She doesn't have a problem with making money...she PAYS her taxes.


A law professor focusing on economics who doesn't make that much at age 70 should probably be mistrusted.
