The Dungeon Design of Skyward Sword - ALL DUNGEONS Examined

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Hi friends! This is a compilation of the entire Dungeon Design in Zelda series for Skyward Sword. The first episode of which was uploaded at the end of July 2021. Time flies! So, yeah you may have seen this stuff before.
On that ongoing note about video quality improving, this is where I think I started really hitting my stride in terms of pacing and editing, though my audio still maybe needed some work lol. I also noticed a few editing hiccups while compiling these videos, so OOPS on that.
I also want to note that there are some points I made here that I don't necessarily feel now or reflect my current line of thinking. Complaining about there being too many recovery hearts in the second dungeon feels like quite the stretch in hindsight. Ah well.
But hey, I am still not here to dunk on my own work! I often have people tell me that they like long form content and binge these videos, so I figured putting them all into one long video would be worthwhile.
Enjoyyyy! I appreciate you.

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0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Skyview Temple
25:09 - The Earth Temple
45:32 - The Lanayru Mining Facility
1:09:29 - The Ancient Cistern
1:38:21 - The Sandship
2:10:58 - The Fire Sanctuary
2:41:29 - Sky Keep

#zelda #SkywardSword #LegendofZelda
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Hi friends! This is a compilation of the entire Dungeon Design in Zelda series for Skyward Sword. The first episode of which was uploaded at the end of July 2021. Time flies! So, yeah you may have seen this stuff before.
On that ongoing note about video quality improving, this is where I think I started really hitting my stride in terms of pacing and editing, though my audio still maybe needed some work lol. I also noticed a few editing hiccups while compiling these videos, so OOPS on that.
I also want to note that there are some points I made here that I don't necessarily feel now or reflect my current line of thinking. Complaining about there being too many recovery hearts in the second dungeon feels like quite the stretch in hindsight. Ah well.
But hey, I am still not here to dunk on my own work! I often have people tell me that they like long form content and binge these videos, so I figured putting them all into one long video would be worthwhile.
Enjoyyyy! I appreciate you.


a 3 hour video on a game I've replayed 7 times?! oh the algorithms spoiling me


There's NOTHING I wouldn't do if in a future title, we were to get a combination of both a huge, gorgeous open world and Skyward Sword-esque linear, progressive dungeon challenges.


I cannot overstate how desperately I want Nintendo to do something like the Sandship escape sequence again. The idea of a boss fight that _breaks containment, _ spilling out of the traditional Designated Boss Arena and into the dungeon proper, upending and recontextualizing everything you've already done as it all gets turned against you in new and exciting ways... it's too cool not to revisit.

Imagine a boss that can only be harmed by a certain environmental hazard, like, say, a giant vat of lava. You've seen them throughout the dungeon before the boss, so you know how they work, and of course the boss room has one, so you use it. But halfway through the fight, the boss gets smart and destroys the vat in the room with you, leaving you with no means to damage him. But oh, what's this? In the process of destroying the vat, the boss knocked a hole in the wall, allowing you to escape the boss from. And suddenly, you remember all the other vats of lava you've seen; now, you have to lure the enraged boss to them one by one as he tears through the dungeon chasing after you, smashing through puzzles you've solved, blasting through walls and knocking down doors... I wouldn't want them to do this sort of thing all the time, because then it wouldn't be special, but _man_ would it be hype that first time.


One of my favorite unmentioned things about Skyward Sword is how the game visually depicts Link’s character arc using the pre-dungeon cutscenes.


The torches in the Earth Temple are extra confusing when you realize that 95% of them are totally unnecessary because almost every room is lit by GLOWING HOT LAVA. 🔥🔥🔥


these videos feel like ive outsourced a playthrough of the game to someone else and im just harvesting the vibes


I quite like the idea of the later dungeons being in the same regions as the earlier ones. It adds to the feeling of Link becoming stronger and more capable, and unlocking new areas in places he's been to already. I just wish those new areas were more substantial (like Lanayru) and involved less busy-work.


I like the praise for Ghirahim, I think he's a great villain. I also lowkey feel sorry for him since he's like a sibling sword to Fi, but he's in the hands of Demise. It would have been cool if Ganondorf somehow got that sword in later games, in the way that Fi is hinted at still existing in the Master Sword in BotW/TotK.


I always played Scaldera as a chase sequence-- once you beat the $hit out of his eye, you have to run away from him until he runs into the bomb plants. This way it is WAY more engaging... i didn't even know he would just walk over you like that, what a funny little guy...

Great video as always, i really adore your series on the zelda games :)


i literally just finished the last dungeon design compilation last night and i use these to help me fall asleep (this is a compliment)!! thank you!!!!


1:54:23 he's ACTUALLY a pirate robot SKELETON. An undead robot pirate. Let me say that one more time for the people who don't understand how wild this is:


"Why is it called the Earth Temple when it's built into a mountain, and also mostly fire and lava-themed?" So, you'll never guess what lava is. I get what you mean though, people tend to associate molten rock with fire more than earth, but the name of the dungeon technically isn't lying. It's like calling an ice-themed dungeon the water temple. It's not incorrect, just not what is generally associated with that name.


Skyward sword is over hated it’s one of the best Zelda’s


1:56:30 regarding the bow, (at least on wii) if you mimic a bow motion with the nunchuck and wiimote, the bow would draw instantly. It was extremely fun


As with the rest of your Dungeon essays, I loved this one! One of the many things I love about these videos and your presentation is that your passion for these games really shines through. I have watched a lot of Zelda videos over the years and the best ones are (like you) those who can infuse their personality and passion into their scripts and presentation. I am really happy I found your channel and I know I don't comment on every video, but I love the content you put out.

Just some rambling thoughts. I had only played SS once years ago, when the Wii U came out (I never played this on the Wii) until last year, when I finally replayed this game for the first time and I loved it, especially the dungeons.

The only dungeon I didn't really like (in terms of playing through) was Skyview (which btw, I always thought it was called Skyview because of the bird statue in the central room facing upwards, hence the dungeon viewing the sky opposed to the Earth Temple which descends into the Earth), especially having to go through it the second time for Faron's special water. But all the other dungeons I really loved and it was nice to see our 1st and 2nd favourites line up here.

Thanks for making this longform compilation video, you're awesome and I look forward to your future content 😊👍.


Yes sir, thank you big G. You immediately became my favorite YouTuber when I found your channel. You take your time to explain pretty much everything in every dungeon and I'm all for it.


Hmm, speaking of the Ancient Cistern and the motif of spiders. Outside of the Spider's Thread story (and I know this is probably just me with coincidence) but Link also goes up a waterspout, much like the itsy bitsy spider.


Skyward Sword has some of the best music in the entire franchise. You'll hear skyward sword music in videos that don't even deal with any Nintendo games. The themes are all so memorable and diverse that it never feels like they ran out of any ideas. Plus they were very excited to play around with the sassiness of Groose's theme to demonstrate the emotions he's feeling. It's such a nice touch and I'll literally set down the controller to enjoy it for a little bit any time the theme is playing. Skyward Sword also has some amazing character building that really adds flavor to the story. Groose starts as that cocky jock type, turns into bumbling fool once Zelda is kidnapped, lets his ego get the best of him because he thinks he can do anything Link can but better, goes back to a bumbling fool realizing he's actually a little bitch that can't save Zelda, then finally finds his purpose and even realizes that he was searching for validation. Zelda is just straight up crazy and almost kills link a handful of times, but she's very protective of Link and wont let anyone push him around without her pushing them back. She's the embodiment of fuck around and find out during the start of the game. When she learns she was actually just Hylia and interacts with Link again, you can tell how guilt ridden she feels for causing Link so much distress and effectively just using him as a pawn to do her bidding even though she herself wasn't the one that truly made the plan. She eventually comes back around to realizing that although she was once Hylia, that doesn't mean her entire life as Zelda was meaningless or the connections she made as Zelda were meaningless and allows herself to really embrace her love for link and shed some of the guilt. Girahim is such a cunty workaholic bitch that is so obsessed with pleasing his boss. Link literally drives him insane by foiling his plans over and over. He lets himself get so upset that he slowly deterioates and starts insulting Link more. To end his entire life, he literally creams his pants by resurecting demise and turning into his sword. He doesn't give a single shit for what else is going on. He's just that ecstatic to have finally completed his work and becomes an object to forever serve him. Link even goes through a little bit of character development from an over confident hard worker that feels like he never has to really try to get good results to someone that realizes he has to push himself to succeed and serve something greater than himself. It's not anywhere near as much as any of the previous characters but its still there. Skyward Sword Link is also allowed to actually have emotions and portray them. If Nintendo really wanted to they could've made him cry and they would have won an Oscar because the academy would rewrite the rules. It's so upsetting that they ditched the concept that Link can just be a dude with emotions in botw and totk. I'm really hoping they'll look back to Skyward Sword and actually try to make a good story with amazing characters again instead of just the same copy paste Ganon does a thing, Zelda's in trouble somehow, and Link has to save the day in the next game.


For all of Skyward Sword's faults, the dungeons absolutely are not one of them.
