Mr Incredible Becoming Uncanny (Rammstein Songs)

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It's better not to know meaning of some songs..
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I'm not german so I have to look up the lyrics translations and that's the scariest part of the experience because I could either find something very silly or incredibly messed up. It's like opening pandora's box.


Me: **Sing "Mein Teil" without knowing the meaning**
My German neighbour: 💀


Before searching the lyrics: *vibin*
After searching the lyrics: *thinks for a moment, then goes back to vibin*


As a german, I know all the meanings💀


Not to forget, essentially nearly every other Rammstein Song...

- Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen? (Never fully got it, despite being german, but Till sings about Sex, Fire, Crosses and Corpses)
- Asche zu Asche (referencing a man, crucifixied and burned, seeking revenge on the one responsible)
- Du riechst so gut (Like many Rammstein Songs, it can be interpret different ways, but it comes across like another song about a sexual predator and his prey)
- Das alte Leid (too riddled, to fully unterstand it, but it comes across, like another Rammstein-like twisted approach on sex...)
- Laichzeit (Incest)
- Bestrafe mich (Ambiguous: Could mean rejecting godliness, but also BDSM from the sub perspective...)
- Spiel mit mir (Incest/incestuous sexual abuse between siblings)
- Eifersucht (A song about extreme excesses of jealousy: "Am I prettier, cut my face, am I stronger, cowardly break my neck, am I smarter, kill me and eat my brain...")
- Feuer Frei (Pyromania)
- Mutter (An already atmospheric song, again extremely ambiguous: It could be about a clone who desperately wants a mother or a neglected/abused child of a cold, apathetic/violent mother who over time develops destructive thoughts towards his mother and himself...)
- Zwitter (Not really haunting or disturbing, but not exactly a common theme: The illustrious life of a hermaphrodite who feels way to well in his being...)
- Stein um Stein (One of their most haunting songs: It's either an extremely ambivalent and dark metaphor for marriage or you take it literally, then it's about (probably) a man (probably) walling in a woman...)
- Spring (Ambiguous again, but definitely atmospheric...)
- Zerstören (Compulsive Destructiveness/ 1. Signs of Psychopathy in a Child)
- Hilf mir (Based on the German children's book classic "Der Struwwelpeter" from 1844 (A book with several stories in which children often suffer drastic consequences after careless behavior, ranging from falling into the water to death.), the song tells of a Girl, who one evening, while her parents were away, lights a match, catches fire herself and dies an agonizing death from burning...)
- Ich tu dir weh (It's (again) clearly described BDSM sex...)
- Waidmannsheil (Based on the hunter's greeting "Waidmannsheil" - "Have a good/succesful hunt), it's about the joy of hunting, about the excellently described fight between the hunter and the prey...)
- Liese (Rape under threat of murder with a rusty sickle...)
Hallomann (Sexual abuse and murder of a child)


I think "Spring" is creepy, sad and underrated maybe because it is from Rosenrot which is also an underrated album.
It's about a man who climbs on a bridge then a crowd gathers around and encourages him to kill himself by jumping off the bridge instead of helping him.


Well, that's what Rammstein is all about, after all: satire and provocation. (Fellow German here, btw - Hallo miteinander 😄). There are so many other songs with controversial meanings behind them. Just to add a few more:

- Spieluhr (music box): is about a child being buried alive
- Laichzeit (spawn season): is about a man raping his entire family (including the dog)
- Spiel mit mir (play with me): about siblings touching each other in a sexual way
- Stein um Stein (brick by brick): a man being obsessively possessive over his wife/gf and therefore building a prison to trap her, BRICK by BRICK..
- Liese (it's a German name): about a boy raping a minor girl
- Ich tu dir weh (I hurt you): about the sexual pleasure of hurting smo

I could go on, but I'll stop here 😁


After reading all these lyrics I can tell you black metal is so sweet, cute and romantic.


Something yet:

*"Klavier"* about a man who killed his beloved at the grant piano and locked her in a room, forgot about it, and years later he and his relatives find a corpse.

*"Amour"* describes love as a predatory and ruthless animal (even with context, this is my favorite song from Rammstein).

*"Rain Raus"* sings about sex in a veiled way.


The funniest thing is the fact that many "fans" of Rammstein who doesn't know the meanings of their songs... dedicates "Mutter" to their moms, "Ohne dich" to their mates/relatives and play "Du hast"... at weddings🤣


Rammstein is the perfect example of the meme of "listening to the music" and "knowing the lyrics".
You could argue Reise, Reise also has a hidden meaning. Like i can hear some lowkey homoerotica, or homicide (tho what do you call it when its on a boat at sea?).
You never are really sure, but thats the beauty of Rammstein :D


0:00 Journey, journey,
0:04 Moscow
0:07 White flesh
0:12 Bend over
0:15 Animal
0:19 Doll
0:22 Viennese blood
0:25 Marry me
0:34 My part
0:45 Kiss me (Furry frog?!)


I'm from Germany and was listening Rammstein since I was a Child, now Years later I started listening the Music again and now I get all the meanings of the Songs 🪦


My silly ass for 12 years: "I love Ich tu Dir Weh, it sounds so epic and the music video is so cool!"

Me right after looking up the lyrics: "...I like Auslander better..."


I think we may be forgetting about Hallomann, that's definitely the stuff of nightmares


Meanwhile, Sonne

I can count to 9 and say sun in german now


To help myself learn German I started listening to Rammstein and I absolutely love them. Also being a big metal head I look into meanings. Listening to the self titled album from 2019 and hearing Puppe not only caught me off gaurd but I immediately knew it was dark. I love them deeply tho


Most disturbing thing is that OP didn't put Weisses Fleisch way further back


So oral sex is more disturbing then cannibalism, kidnapping and necrophilia


i think wiener blut is the most terrifying rammstein song, since its based on a true story
