ШИР - Пред портите

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"Пред портите" е песен на българския doom metal проект ШИР.
Песента е композирана, продуцирана и записана от Иван Иванов.
"At The Gates" is a song by the Bulgarian doom metal project Shir (ШИР).
The song was produced and recorded by Ivan Ivanov.
Video made with the help of Kaiber AI
The gates of R'lyeh are open. It awaits...
Песента е композирана, продуцирана и записана от Иван Иванов.
"At The Gates" is a song by the Bulgarian doom metal project Shir (ШИР).
The song was produced and recorded by Ivan Ivanov.
Video made with the help of Kaiber AI
The gates of R'lyeh are open. It awaits...