XML in C# - XmlReader

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In diesem Video lesen wir eine XML Sitemap in C# mit Hilfe der Klasse XmlReader aus dem Namespace System.Xml. Zudem überprüfen wir die http StatusCodes der gelesenen URL's mit HttpWebRequest und HttpWebResponse aus dem Namespace System.Net.
XmlReader and XmlWriter – the easy way to write XML data in C#
Read a XML File C#, Reading XML with XmlReader, Parse an XML file, read Data from Xml file in c#
C# : Reading Xml with XmlReader in C#
XML in C# - XmlReader
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Reading XML with XmlReader - C# C Sharp Visual Studio 2010
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C# - Parse an XML file
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Part 2 - XML: What is XML, and do you use an XML file? (XmlReader)
XML Reader Demo
XML Reader - XML Files Reader
C# tips and tricks 9 - How to read XML file using C# | Xml Document | Xml Text Reader | System.Xml
C# : How can I read specific elements from XML string using XMLREADER in C#
Part 3 - XML: What is XML, and do you use an XML file? (XmlReader)
XML in C# - XmlDocument
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VEB XML klase: XmlReader i XmlTextReader
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