Status Quo - Whatever You Want (Live At Knebworth 1990)

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Англия, 30 июня 1990 года, концерт в поддержку Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Centre и The BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology.
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Rick Parfitt the Legend of Status Quo!
The best rhythm guitarist ever and boogie king!
R.I.P. Rick - Rock on in heaven!


Superb. Don't care what anyone says, this class.


I was there!
I saw this!!


No.1 Rock'n'Roll Band in the land!


Thanks for the music Rick..A proper "rock and roll" star RIP


I loved these guys, and so did my Mom (RIP)


the only band to make a lifetime commitment to Double Denim


Those were the days i remember the shop whatever you want and they played this song all the time obviously Love it


met rick about 20 years ago R.I.P mate


Tightest Rock n Roll Band on the planet!


im no Direct fan of Status Quo, but ive still enjoyed dozens of their songs, since the 1960´s old quo style, before therey went BOOGIE ROCK;their good/their Tightand fact is werther yourt a direct quo hardcore fan or not, they simply are a WORLD CLASS 12 bar Boogie/Rock´n´roll live band in the style they do, i think its disgusting how people can sit back and slag such a band, who have given so much Joy+love with their music.--- as i said im no direct faan of Quo, but ive had the joy in COVERING so much of their straight forward rock.and ive much of their materisl in my own Personsl Collection, im into a more personal technical rock such as from RUSH or DREAM THEATER, but then thoes named bands, would not fit into a Happy dance mood crowd/Audience, IF YOU DONT HAPPEN TO LIKE THE QUO SOUND; Then simply fuck off, and dont listern to it. your not compelled to have to do so. but dont slag therm down. they have not earned that type of they have never claimed in interviews to be great technical Instrumental Gods. 100 Million sales Worldwide, csnt meen bad. one must bere able to seperate personnal music taste, from PROFESSIONALITY, and which ever way you look at it 20 million people worldwide cant be wrong. its again not all to my taste in music. ---- But then ive been myself a wordldwide successfull band frontmann, and have been also written into the internationasl music INDUSTRY HISTORY BOOKS, with my achievements, and stood on 100´reds of such large stages, with croweds from 20.000 to 160.000 i love all styles of music be it guard/Progressive/Disco as many others, loving and respecting all styles of music has brought me my long years of success, which im still having. i lived through so many past coverbands playing all styles, and went PUR PROFESSIONAL with major label success way back in there late 70´s. now im still doing own compositions, but also have 3 FUN COVERBANDS on the side.ive had chart thre u.k/u.s.a and asia, and also top attension to my music in EUROPE -- and no the name you see from me --- is not my real name, ill simply stay private. im JUST SHOWING MY RESPECT TOWARDS A WORLD BAND HAVING GIVEN 50+years of their energy to their im even going to cover WHATEVER YOU WANT +ROCKING ALL OVER THE WORLD, in one of my Coverbands. and why well it simply gets the Audiences into a good mood. sorry that my message is so long. BUT THIS CONSTANT SLAGGING OFF is so very not fully my Music but my Respect STATUS QUO for the much joy you´ve given the world of music.- no ill go bavk to Listening to my MISTER MISTER C+d and to JAMES BROWN+BARRY WHITES GREATEST HITS L.p´s --- ill judge them with respect.


I was stuck right in the middle with a load of shirts looking for our nev .


Pink Floyd closed the show.
The ridiculous to the sublime.
