Leopold & Loeb and the crime of the century

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One hundred years ago, two affluent and academically-gifted young men – Nathan Leopold, 19, and Richard Loeb, 18 – decided to commit the perfect murder, when they abducted and killed 14-year-old Bobby Franks in Chicago. "48 Hours" correspondent Erin Moriarty reports on how Leopold & Loeb's murder was solved, and why the crime that shocked the nation still haunts us today.

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The speech Leopold gives after his release...if that isn't an exhibit A example of a narcissistic psychopath, I don't know what is.


Such an infuriating case because imprisonment was too good for these killers. And the nerve of Leopold saying that "I hope all of you feel that a third of a century spent in prison has been severe punishment, and are happy to see me like a true sociopath.


We lived in that community in the early 1950s, less than a block away. Even though a generation had passed, there was still an aura of sadness in the neighborhood, and people still talked about the sensational and disturbing crime.


I wrote my first ever term paper in 8th grade about this case. Definitely a disturbing story, made even more so in my opinion by the fact that the two actually considered choosing Dickie Loeb’s own brother as their victim.


My father was seven at the time and my mother was five. This crime made their parents (they were living in Chicago at the time) turn very strict for several years after. And when I was growing in Denver in the 1950s, they were equally strict with me. Long scary memories for them.


It should be pointed out that they are hardly alone in American history


They were psychopaths and the one should never have been released.


So creepy. It reminds me of two young women I used to work with. On their own, they seemed nice enough but when they got together they became mean, sarcastic and horrid people.


The inspiration for Hitchcock's "Rope" and Orson Welles' "Compulsion"...


Folie à deux (French for "madness of two"), also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a rare psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, are "transmitted" from one individual to another.

The disorder, first conceptualized in 19th century French psychiatry by Charles Lasègue and Jules Falret, is also known as Lasègue–Falret syndrome. Recent psychiatric classifications refer to the syndrome as shared psychotic disorder (DSM-4 – 297.3) and induced delusional disorder (ICD-10 – F24), although the research literature largely uses the original name. The same syndrome shared by more than two people may be called folie à trois ('three') or quatre ('four'); and further, folie en famille ('family madness') or even folie à plusieurs ('madness of several').

This disorder is not in the current, fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which considers the criteria to be insufficient or inadequate. DSM-5 does not consider Shared Psychotic Disorder (folie à deux) as a separate entity; rather, the physician should classify it as "Delusional Disorder" or in the "Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder" category. Source Wikipedia


I do feel for the distant relative of Loeb who's interviewed in this piece. He shouldn't feel any guilt about just having been related to Loeb, which is hardly something he could choose or control. In addition, he is doing the best he can by donating the family papers to a university where, perhaps, some day, sufficient study of cases like this one might lead to better prevention of them.


I get the shivers to think how many more creeps act on this same notion today.


Glorifying these two monsters! Disgusting! My grandparents told me some of the details of what they did to this poor innocent boy, torturing him as he screamed and moaned inside some large canvas bag they put him in the back seat of the car. They thrilled as they heard him cry his last breath. These were spoiled rich kids who were never disciplined by their parents and allowed to do as they please. Read about some of the killers recently whose parents let them torture animals while growing up. It's in the news. Some people never learn and should never have children.


The Leopold and Loeb case remains a chilling reminder of the darkest corners of human nature and the allure of committing the "perfect crime." Despite their privileged upbringing and intelligence, their heinous act shook society to its core. It's a timeless tale of hubris, arrogance, and the terrifying consequences of unchecked ambition.


Loeb's 1957 statement is quite odd: "I hope all of you are happy to see me free." Wtf?


I was living near Houston and a similar story happened 15 years ago. They just wanted to know how it felt to take a life.


Richard Loeb's family owned Castle Farms mansion in Charlevoix MI, where I lived for almost 20 years. There's still a road with the name Loeb, there to this day.


Chilling! Not much different from some of the murders that occur today. Poor Bobby Franks and his family.


Wait, you’re telling me rich kids are horrible people? I’m shocked.


Two can be much more dangerous than one! They egg each other on to worse and worse deeds! Neither one feels they can back down because they will disappoint the other! Any hesitation is immediately pushed through!
