Quadeca - Shades Of Us (Official Music Video)

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Enjoy the official music video for the new song Shades Of Us by Quadeca off the new album From Me To You!!!!
Director - Tyler Cunningham & Quadeca @proudhomowner
Producer - Jesy Odio @jesyodio
DP - Julia Swain @juliaswain
Editor - Jordan Orme & Quadeca (but mostly Jordan Orme) @jordan_orme
Colorist - Dante Giani @dantegiani
VFX - David Nieman @david_nieman
PD - Evan Black @evanisthenewblack
Art Asst - Oz Nieves @oznieves88
1st AD - Lauren Bates
Steadicam - James Marin @jamesmarin3
1st AC - Carolina Rodriguez @carolinarodriguezfilm
Gaffer - Thomas Sigurdsson @thomassigurdsson
Key Grip - Jenny Denton
Swing - Rodolfo Martinez @ro_do14
HMU - Rachel Herrera @rachelherrera11
Prod Coordinator - Veronica Zin @pursuitofhustle
Prod Assts - Jamie Portillo, Ben Soffer, Nand Mahasuwan @jamiee_port @bsoff20 @nandmahasuwan
Check out other videos here:
Youtube Rapper Tier List 2020 (KSI, RiceGum, FlightReacts)
Quadeca - Sisyphus (Official Music Video)
Director - Tyler Cunningham & Quadeca @proudhomowner
Producer - Jesy Odio @jesyodio
DP - Julia Swain @juliaswain
Editor - Jordan Orme & Quadeca (but mostly Jordan Orme) @jordan_orme
Colorist - Dante Giani @dantegiani
VFX - David Nieman @david_nieman
PD - Evan Black @evanisthenewblack
Art Asst - Oz Nieves @oznieves88
1st AD - Lauren Bates
Steadicam - James Marin @jamesmarin3
1st AC - Carolina Rodriguez @carolinarodriguezfilm
Gaffer - Thomas Sigurdsson @thomassigurdsson
Key Grip - Jenny Denton
Swing - Rodolfo Martinez @ro_do14
HMU - Rachel Herrera @rachelherrera11
Prod Coordinator - Veronica Zin @pursuitofhustle
Prod Assts - Jamie Portillo, Ben Soffer, Nand Mahasuwan @jamiee_port @bsoff20 @nandmahasuwan
Check out other videos here:
Youtube Rapper Tier List 2020 (KSI, RiceGum, FlightReacts)
Quadeca - Sisyphus (Official Music Video)