Barnier says little progress made in post-Brexit talks with UK

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Time is running out and so too is patience - as the European Union's chief negotiator declared there had been no real progress in the post-Brexit trade talks with the UK before a potentially make or break summit later this month.

Michel Barnier said the UK had shown no real desire to explore compromises and was constantly trying to backtrack on commitments which Boris Johnson made last year.

The UK said today that progress was limited but the tone of talks had actually been positive, adding that things would have to "intensify and accelerate" if there was to be any chance of agreement.

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There will be no deal, EU has less to loose than they think. By moving the car factories to EU and the USA there is a lott to win actually. If there is a trade deal with the USA American produced cars will be free of tarrifs thereby avoiding the problems for the car industry. As for the airo industry this is a good time to move to back to EU. There is also an opening for increased agrecultural development for EU. The tradewar between China and the US will make it possible for the EU to parts of that market.


They couldn't handle a pandemic, how can they handle negotiations on law, border, economy, etc - vast list of complicated subjects?


Perhaps channel 4 news might permanently move to Brussels.


Barnier is just a negotiator, he’s not the referee - the unhappier the EU is the happier I am. Filthy EU Empire will end, people will not tolerate the lack of democracy. There will the no extension, no deal is on the cards - prepare and make the most of it.


This is meant to be the British media not the European union news network.

We can't have anything the same because we're not a member anymore. The EU, we must keep fisheries exactly the


Johnson should stick to delivering pizza.
Schizophrenic Brexiters. Johnson soiling himself.

Brexiters don't want anything to do with EU. "All the way with WTO" blah blah.
Good. Go for it. Your continuing abuse towards us in the EU will get you nothing.

There is no consensus for what they want. Never had been. Fish, blue psssports, "sovrinty" Pathetic..

Good bye Britain, no loss.


The uk will come back hat in hand begging to join the union, give them 5 years


You wanted out so GET OUT
So why all this hypocrisy!
Accept the truth that you (UK) are no longer important.


We don’t want a level playing field...we are not communists. We have the right to control our own future, we shouldn’t be held back or have limits put on how successful we can be by a bunch if people who we have voted as country to no longer have that right!


What they mean is we won't do as they want


What the EU mean is we are not dooing as we are told? well get used to it because as they say in the movies " You Ain't Seen Nothing


Enough already, break off negotiations, hard Brexit. they need us more than we need them.

Pop quiz: which side am I on?


How dare you poo poo my digital cloud, it's all I have now - and my dog.


Looking below I see the crazy Brexiteers are out!


I can not see any thing wrong with Just stopping further talks between the EU & UK since they are not really negotiations and Just go to trading under WTO Terms, since its has now been 4 years so companies should have prepared by now for trading on WTO Terms. Australian wines and South African wines come to the UK Supermarkets on WTO terms I presume, so why not French & German wines going to UK Supermarkets on WTO terms and the same for all other EU products. I have however noticed that their is more British and none EU Produce Appearing in my Supermarket so some WTO Planning is taking place. With COVID-19 people can not believe it is dangerous otherwise they would not be putting their life at risk by going on mass demonstrations, but thats their choice and they have the freedom to demonstrate, unlike if they were in China, then they would find it very difficult to demonstrate, so be thankful for your freedom to express your believes and if you are demonstrating be polite and dont be violent or use nasty language its not nice.


WHY do we really need to talk about brexit, it happened 31/1/2020 , why not talk about the trade negotiations that are ongoing


Read the non-binding Political Declaration and you will see that Barnier is nothing more than a "joke". The UK is a Soveriegn Nation and as such has no requirement to be a "slave" of the EU, Barnier is a spent force bleating like a little lamb. Negotiator? No way, just a pathetic federalist who is slowly losing his grip on the whole procedure.


how many years of brexit now, its like a bad dream.


Let us act more progressively look at a short term trade deal we can build on with the USA.


Drop your level playing field drop your ECJ to rule over us drop your we want the same axes to your fishing grounds and drop your free movement and we can have a free trade deal until then feckof
